hye sung in a variety show.. this is what he does most of the time when he laugh... haha... he doesn't have much luck with food.. he recently was stranded in L.A. because of food poisoning after dinner at shinhwa leader, eric's house in o.c... things got so bad he said he thought he was going to die (pooor hye sung~~).. and he once ate henna (the one for henna tattoo) cuz he thought it was chocolate... erm... he needs to brighten up~!!!

haha.. decided to put this cuz hye sung looked so cute~! they are stunned because the lady in the picture i posted yesterday managed to break a lot of tiles. haha.. i think is acting one la.. soooo cuTE~!!
jazz instincts
finally.. hye sung in his taekwondo attire~! standing at 179cm.. he's the third tallest in the group. he got chosen as the first member when he auditioned to SM Entertainment in US during a exchange programme... he's almost doomed to be injured when he dances... (poor hye sung~) and he's full of humour...laughs a lot.. like ME~! *blush*.. haha but most of the time when he laughs, he tend to cover a bit of his mouth with the back of his hand... haa.. okie i shall take up this habit~!
i guess the idea of going to a jazz bash has really brought about some really good effects into my life..
today.. i sat in front of my tv... and managed to catch a programme introducing japanese and korean music... they introduced shinhwa~! haha.. the host didn't say much la... only say they matured... better music... and gone out of the "pure idol" package.. ooooh hoooo~~~ haha.. then they showed the mv of
brand new.. eh.. not really what i wanted la.. considered that i've watched it so many times on my over-worked and now stuffed with over 200 megs of shinhwa stuffs... haha.. yes it's THAT much. but i was still happy... cuz it's different watching on TV~! hahaha.. oh yes oh yes... come scold me or something.. say i'm crazy.. I DON'T CARE~!
haha.. another thing that was pretty good (nothing can beat shinhwa at the moment paiseh) was the introduction of a new band from korean.. called clazziquai... it consists of a producer/writer/arranger... one male vocal and two female vocals.. they do acid jazz... fusion stuffs... bits of jazz here.. bits of bossa nova there.. bits of lounge music over there... quite a cool fusion of everything.. and it all happens to be my favourite~! very cool for chill-out.. i'm listening to it now.. now i not only have shinhwa's r&b... i also have another collection of sexy music... man listening to them makes ME sexy~! hahaha... the male vocal is pretty cool... smooth and not too deep... just right... different from hye sung... but then erm.. of cuz hye sung's better~! haha.. depends la.. maybe he can try jazz someday? haha.. that'll be COOL~
my phone's losing its grip. this morning.. when i tried to on it.. it wouldn't come on.. even the alarm clock didn't work (it usually on by itself when the alarm rings).. after so many tries to get it on... it would just shut off when i close the flip... after i almost cried (yes. i almost did... haha).. it worked.. now it's sitting next to me and i'm not going to off it any time.. i'll just leave it on.. because i feel that it would not on again once i shut it.. haha.. going to get it fixed this coming monday...
but anyway.. since i'm changing to singtel this coming january.. i've set my eyes on this new panasonic slider x500... cool yeah?
haha.. wanted to get samsung (korean brand) but then since panasonic have.. i'll stick with them..
argh.. i wanna learn korean~!
listening to: clazziquai -- flower
good and bad at the same time
hye sung in a picture from the pictorial album as well... men who look good in glasses are soooo hot~~~~ he cried when reading a touching novel about a father and his son and thus got mocked at by the other members... he's also afraid of ghosts and cannot listen to ghost stories... *jiTTErS*... sooooo cuTE~! =)
i don't know how to describe today. it's good yet bad. in fact the good thing only came like at around 11.30pm. haha... sad but true.
my usual diet of coke in meals has come around and is killing me at this point of time. cold drinks brings bad consequences.. like a weaker stomach during particular times of the month. so i've been drifting in and out of pain strikes and didn't accomplish anything this day. came online in the morning.. talked with bern... downloaded some shinhwa's videos and songs... then went on to rest.. and then watched tv... and had a nap.. my first nap in ten thousand years... i was simply too tired for anything else... i only slept for less than an hour but i tell you quality sleep needs no more than 30 mins... when i was working... 30 mins during lunch seemed like an eterntity when you are in your delta waves... erm... you probably won't know what delta waves is all about but i don't intend to explain anyway. haha.. too complicated i reckon.
i guess a good song can always lift spirits. i downloaded shinhwa's
how do i say and it really kept me less grouchy and irritated compared to other times when i'm suffering from the same crap. it's a really sweet song about secret loves and all... catchy...up-lifting rhythm and melody... and hye sung sings the most of it~ hah.. all the nice parts. and i have some good news too.. erm won't say too much about it now (nothing to do with hye sung/shinhwa/whatever...nothing to do with relationships as well haha).. but i'll touch on that next time.
the last thing that happened .. which is good is my gem quiz... it has 5 questions.. don't laugh. you have no idea how a killer it is even though it has only 5 questions.. it's chemistry mind you. haha.. i didn't study.. or even looked at my notes cuz i have three tries.. so i was thinking.. at most i study for it at my third try.. but voila~ i had all the right answers at my first try~! i almost died. haha.. and i guess it's because i only just finished a paper on the subject.. so some things are still so fresh in my mind... i love my module suddenly. haha.. but i know i'll fail my paper.. so i maybe i shan't fall in love with my mod yet. haha.. the first quiz i only have two correct.. and the lecturer added one mark to everyone's score. haha.. so i somehow managed to pass that one. now i've got the stats ten-page report to write.. i reckon i had better start... like... NOW.
anyway i've really been updating everyday.. getting the hang of it i guess .. thanks to shinhwa~! haha... next wednesday i may be going to a jazz bash with bern and perhaps peijun & huiyi.. i don't know. do you call that a bash? hahaha.. but anywayz... i love jazz and chill-out time is LONG DUE. haha...
listening to: shinhwa -- how do i say
shooting star
hye sung in a picture taken from the pictorial book that comes with the album.. although he's the lead vocal.. he can't rap and he couldn't really dance until guidance came from his fellow members eventually (hye sung's the first member)... guess having a black belt doesn't mean you are flexiblE~! and the doughnut looks YUMMY~~~~~
it's been a rainy day... social psychology tutorial came to its end.. and today i've won two chocolates as well~! (one's from xinyi.. thank you baby~ *muAcKz*)... both are rittersport... nice~~~ yummy~ social psychology been fun.. but i seldom feel anything for tutorials that's bi-weekly. it's hard to feel anything for it... cuz you don't remember anything from it by the time the next tutorial comes. but then again.. i like them cuz you get to have free time every other week. oops.. which means i'll tend to forget the assignments due the other week.. haha.. oh well..
i spoke in class today when asked about comments on this course... i said stuffs like "well .. now i understand myself and my own actions better now"....
but do i?
i don't.
it's times like this that i transform into a green-eyed monster. i start to get jealous of little simple things that others have and i don't. i envy everyone around me. anyone except me.
i envy those who have such perfect life... everything going well ... everything going smooth.. the way they want it except mine. things don't go well for me. things suck for me in fact. then i start whining... telling everyone i suck then expecting them to comfort me and say nice things in return so that i feel boosted and good.
how fake.. how not real.. and how self-deceiving. only one single friend managed to see that. she told me "i know you are waiting for me to say but i'll tell you it sucks...." ... haha.. no wonder she's my best friend.
but of course... i hate to explore the fact that probably everyone around me is lying to me. perhaps anything nice about me is fake.. untrue. maybe they hate me in secret.. maybe they can't wait to slap me. but i'm not saying that everyone are liars lah. that's not what i mean.
these are the things that leave me confused. mistaken. unclear. lost.
then again... i suck. hahaa.. so it really doesn't matter anymore. what matters is what i do for myself isn't it? what matters is how i feel and what i'm going to do about it isn't it?
self-inferiority complex just grips me so hard sometimes that i can't breathe. then i let it go.. then it comes back. haha...
anyway.. today i've downloaded so many things~! shinhwa's chinese version of perfect man.. it sounds funny enough but at least hye sung's pretty acccurate~! shinhwa's
brand new live performance... they ROCK~ it basically is the live dance sequence of the mtv... but it looks even better live.. and they didn't mime.... but because the dance is quite a complicated one... end up only hye sung singing.. the rest just dance. haha.. and shinhwa's deep sorrow live performance~! haha... sooo cool cuz hye sung's high notes are so powerful when live too~!!!
oooh hoooo~~~~
listening to: shinhwa -- brand new
brand new
hye sung in a tv show... shin hye sung in chinese is shen1 hui4 cheng3.. but it's not his real name... he graduated as an english major and had just recovered from a knee op... due to old injuries from his taekwondo days... picture courtesy of hyesung-kiss.net
i just bought shinhwa's album.. sounds pretty silly that i still bought the cd despite having the entire album in my computer. but i really feel bad... of course since i like them... well it's not only that.. i won't say i'm that sort that will stamp out piracy very actively.. but i think having the whole album is a bit too much.. except of course if your album is those that even heeren shops won't have. haha.. and as a songwriter.. if my songs get downloaded.. i'll lose revenue .. so... haha.. support the real thing~! when you can~! haha...
these few days been raining in the night.. i like it... to hear the thunder.. watch the clouds turn grey/red from the window... feeling the wind... i feel cool.. relaxed and very at ease.. then it rains... the temperature goes down.. and the feel of the fall comes in... we unfortunately cannot go further than this slight hint of autumn... i look forward... soooo look forward to the day when i can finally wear a trenchcoat... boots... scarf in the wind...
it's basically a very pissed off day for me today... sometimes you don't need a reason to be pissed off.. you don't need a reason to be repulsed by someone... something... you don't even need five seconds for that. you are pissed simply because you are. take for example... my social psych test results.. i didn't fail.. i'm not pissed cuz i failed or something but simply cuz it's a pathetic piece of paper.. i missed it.. i thought she didn't put... so the first thought was... okie... something that you wouldn't wanna know. something that starts with B.
i was shocked. i hate her that much? i don't~! and it's my fault.. but still ... i'm pissed. sometimes i'm pissed cuz of very small little things. haha... i think i have SIMPY TOO MUCH ANGST.
well... 'nuff about silly things due to my SHORT temper. buying the cd today and on my way home.. i've decided to answer to the call of being
brand new... i hope everyone can monitor my progress and slap me.. (YES. SLAP ME) when i deviate... make this the near-year-end resolutions.
1. i shall start bucking up and really get down to studying. if not.. my stats is gone and i really don't want to ruin my track record and do the core mod again. NO MORE MATHS BLOODY HELL.
2. i shall stick to my diet regime and dammit.. lose some weight before i perm my hair.
3. start writing songs and RECORD them so that my boss won't hate me.
ooooh. give me the POWER.
listening to: shinhwa -- brand new

hye sung modelling for a korean brand.. storm.. he has a very distinct voice and very very distinguishable when you listen to shinhwa's music. he's the lead vocal cuz he can go very high and carries off r&b very well. he does most of the higher variations in the background... a.k.a the "more agitated" parts... nicE~~
oozing with style
this is shin hye sung with his best friends, group S comprising of lee ji hoon and kang ta... nice yeah? don't be fooled by his "girly" looks... he has a taekwondo black belt... muah... he's too perfect~!! let me diE~!!!
it's pretty funny when my entry's more about fish leung's ntu concert but the picture is still shin hye sung... eh.. not that i mind anyway.. and answering a friend's concerns over my craze over shinhwa... nope.. i've not only liked them now... have always liked their songs... cuz they do GROOVY r&b tracks... it's only until i saw the
brand new mtv that i've fallen totally in L-O-V-E with the group as well... as in the people as well as their songs.. haha.. and another friend's concerns... NO.. shin hye sung didn't get this black belt through bribing.. ~#$@^@#%... haha... and i shall fully make use of hello services and post a nice hye sung picture everyday... in fact.. i've stored quite a few b/w ones from one of his advert... keke~~~
went to ntu today for fish's concert today... went pretty late.. so sat right at the side.. she's quite pretty... although i can't really see very clearly.. simply too side... haha.. she sang a few songs.. yan wei die... ting bu dao... mostly her new album ones.. her live singing is not bad.. better than i thought... ntu people quite hot sia.. some of the on-stage participants for a song-relay game quite funny.. got a martin guy.. he simply swayed to every song he sang.. and a tao zui guy.. one sound from him and you know he's a prc guy.. i'm not against prcs of course.. but he has an attitude problem... seriously needs to change. haha.. and a jason guy.. sang pretty well... and a adder.. i dunno how on earth you spell.. he sings with a slang while exercising his eyebrows... no.. make that over-exercising.. haha.. you're trying too hard brother~!
saw some familiar faces there from nus... actually i don't know how the tickets are supposed to get.. cuz i got mine through non-proper procedures... oops.. then i found out is ntu internal distribution.. haha.. then for her fan club.. rock records... and 933.... hahaha... but then it's quite fun~ haha.. queued for sooooo long...
eh.. a bit little on her hor.. seems like the focus is still on shin hye sung. i predict that this will go on for QUITE SOME TIME.
not that i'm complaining~!
listening to: shinhwa -- crazy
fringes. flowers.
since i love meek guys.. it's only natural my fav. shinhwa member is shin hye sung.. the lead vocal and to me.. the "weakest" looking guy in the group~! and notice the cross ring~! takizawa hideaki has it too~! all cute guys have it~!!!
ooooh... isn't this picture of shin hye sung look really good? flowers all around but not at all feminine... oh my god~~~ oops.... well i must say that my old habit is acting up again~! everytime i find myself a new love interest (like as if i'm dating them or something.. duhz)... i gush about them and simply dedicate many of my entries to them. as you can see now.. my current one is shinhwa.. haha.. bear with me~ haha.. i just have to share all my thoughts~~~
today is a boring afternoon.. most of the time.. i don't quite like weekends.. unless i have something going on of course.. like meeting up with friends... bbq... go out window-shopping or something.. if not... weekends = boring.. so today.. being SOOO bored and alone at home.. i went on to cut my own fringe.
eh... haha.. turned out pretty well although it's my first attempt.. haha.. back to the dolly cut... but then i like it... although simply too many people is sporting it now..i can't change though... cuz it's the only haircut nice for my big face... so... i have to live with it~!
and yah... when you see that i'm updating my blog everyday.... it simply means that i either have too much time or i simply have love for someone/something/whatever too great that i need to tell everybody EVERYDAY.
live with it baby. =)
listening to: shinhwa -- deep sorrow
something about boy bands
shinhwa are minwoo, dongwan, junjin, hye sung, eric & andy
w.inds. are ryohei, ryuichi & keita
right now i'm listening to shinhwa's latest album... the mtv yesterday was just too nice that it compelled me to get their latest album... had popped by music junction just now to see if i can get their cd... but they didn't sell it!! oh goodness.. how not efficient! so i had no choice but to come back.. roam the net... search the web... and painstakingly download every song in the album one by one because no one offers a bittorrent link or anything. yes yes.. pirate and once again i've defeated my own rule... that i would buy the album if i like 3 or more songs from it... but i tried~! they didn't have it~! it's not my fault is it? =)
above is the my favourite boy bands from the two country, japan and korea. shinhwa's from korea and w-inds. from japan... there's something about korean guys... they can look like hell but still very charming.. and shinhwa vs. w-inds. is basically MEN vs. BOYS.
i admit i have a thing for guys who look weak/meak... fair... androgynous in short (or in plain english.. those who look like girls)... i'm straight of courSE!~ but these are the ones you find in comics... and they are always the oh-so-mysterious-and-with-such-a-sad-past-i-wanna-protect-you-cuz-of-my-maternal-instincts kinda people... haha... so basically i like w-inds. because they are like that.
but i like manly... sexy .. HOT men too okiE~!! hahaha.. man you should watch shinhwa dance.. even hye sung.. the one i feel who looks most like a woman in shinhwa dances with sooooo much style.. it is basically oozing out~!
listening to: shinhwa -- i want
piece of cake
we share the same birthday, same height but i'm nowhere near her..
amuro namie is one helluva sexy babe... she's sooooo beautiful.. and i've always find her more sexy than hamasaki ayumi... the true hip-hop queen in japan... i'll work towards her~~~ my music... my looks... haha... which means i need a diet first.. alright baby. BRING IT ON.
i've just finished my chem in space mid term paper.. my my.. you have no idea how crappy i can get when i did the paper... i'm less than 20% sure that i'm answering the question... it's more of like a ... help help! i don't know what i'm writing! haha.. i just basically plonk everything i have in my notes in and hopefully get some marks from there... i just wanna kill myself for forgetting to declare it as a s/u subject. can anyone believe how blur i can get?? and i chose molecules in space... bloody hell i dropped chemistry at o levels ~!
got tickets to fish leung's ntu concert on monday... my boss gave it to me (the benefits of being in the same company huh?)... but i would like to apologize to my boss... i only reply to your mails of this sort of matters (i totally ignore ur request emails.. oops) and i was late today! haha... sorry sorry.. i owe you one big one man~!
saw shinhwa's mtv on mtv today. haha.. pun intended. haha.. my my they look sooooo good and their moves are more slick than ever.. nice cinematography and groovy steps... i wish i went to euphoria 04... could have caught them live! and w-inds is going to taiwan for concert... why am i not in taiwan?!
so after my chem in space... i have my stats report to do.. failed the test so had better do well for the bloody report.. hah... but luckily i passed my abnormal psych test... everyone did very well also la.. so... oh well.. ego boosteR!
i'd better not screw up this sem... but i foresee myself doing that la... but then...
listening to: shinhwa -- brand new
bad luck
i'm plagued with horrible luck today. HORRIBLE.
1. remembered that i had no money left in my farecard just as i was about to board the bus. i took a taxi instead because i was already going to be late for class today.
2. realized that i didn't bring out my md disc.. so i had an empty md with me. what use?
3. test was bad.. forgot my textbook's author names. bloody.
4. twisted my foot when i almost fell off as3's stairs... it doesn't hurt now but still a bit stinging when i walk. bloody.
5. plagued with very weird things which i'll update next time.
6. went home for dinner... went to kitchen to get my ice and pepsi.. then step on my kitchen mat... FLEW.. and landed with a loud bang... i held an awkward position so that my glass won't shatter... and my pepsi won't spill.. ended up with a bruised knee... a near-bruise elbow and a rammed toe.
7. stomach upsets throughout the day.
i feel happy.. i feel happy and gay.
listening to: myself
i'm not meant for this
i have a test in 13.5 hours... haha.. and i've only managed to finish slightly half of the chapters.. haha.. ten chaps.. covered in eight lectures.. pretty startling.. pretty pretty bad. but oh well... let me just make do with whatever time i have left~ hehe...
i have a paper due this friday.. .and i haven't even chose my question.. geez... pretty bad isn't it... cuz it's sorta like a chemistry question.. i can't handle chemistry! i can't do science! why did i forget my s/u option? why did i choose this module? i hate GEM!
but then no choice... haha... oh man.. poor me.. POOR me.
hahaha... oh well.. certain unexpected things have been happening.. perhaps i'll update again when everything settles down...
but meanwhile.. here's to bishies from japan! haha...
listening to: lead -- night deluxe
i love you. i love you not.
yesterday was the orchestra's last practice session before the study break... resumes in december and thus went for a late night ktv with my co mates... kat, joyce, jiahui, jiarong, zhijian, andrew, yuhui, huiling, wanfen and chuanfeng... despite the fact that i had already went for one the day before with bern and peijun... nice. now my throat's out of order ( too much f.i.r) and my pocket's got a big hole.
but anyway... we went for the ktv after a jog... kat and my jogging regime actually is on saturday mornings.. but i had stomach pains so we changed to evening... and running in the evening is one helluva crazy thing to do. the air is stale.. warm.. humid and my arm was aching from the orchestra practice... (thanks ah mike... your great wall cappricio is simply excruciating)... but we still held on for eight rounds.. hehe.. even i am shocked. haha...
anyway we sang til perhaps near 1 am... and was greatly entertained by andrew's drop-octave skills... wanfen's perfect hokkien... and zhijian's break-voice... haha.. too much laughing cuz of andrew... we thus decide that we will only let him sing the half 30 mins next time in case we knock out too soon... haha... good thing chuanfeng drove us living in the central/east home or i would have to pay for crazy taxi fares on top of the crazy ktv charge!
basically... i have a love-hate relationship with co. i reckon that if i were to stay as a normal member instead of joining the committee... i would have had better feelings towards this organization.. i love the people there... they are friendly, nice... and very very hilarious... but i hate what they make me do... or when i have to work with them to get things done (not all of course, and i'm not talking about anyone in particular... hehe)... it just drives me crazy sometimes...
or maybe i'm just simply suffering from committment-phobia. haha....
listening to: tetsu69 -- scarecrow
fullmetal alchemist
edward elric & roy mustang
against my better judgement and the fact that probably no one's interested ... i've decided to post an introduction on fullmetal alchemist... actually.. everyone in this world should like this show because it's soooo darn good. trust me. i'm serious. but as usual.. if you are not interested.. you can surf elsewhere... it's my blog~! argh... haha.
alchemy is an ancient art of chemistry... where objects can be transmuted in exchange for something else when performed. however, as with any other types of sciences, there are laws of conservation to be observed. because you cannot create something out of nothing, there must be something before you can transmute something else out of it. the law of equivalent trade... the most basic law in the art of alchemy states that...
to gain something, you must exchange something else of an equal value for it.
being young boys, eager to save their deceased mother whom they had been living with for most of their lives, edward and alphonse elric did not know what it took to transmute a human... something that is forbidden in the law of alchemy. (the other is cannot transmute gold). they tried to do so.. but all they got was a wretched body with their mother's look...simply hideous and very very terrifying. the transmutation went wrong... and it began to suck their body... edward lost his left leg and seeing that alphonse's going to be sucked into the circle totally... he had no choice but to affix his soul to a large armour beside him. in the process however, edward lost his right arm. alphonse, now appearing as a walking armour brought him to a neighbour who fixed edward up with metal limbs....
eventually they found out that their father was a very acclaimed alchemist, hohenheim elric. they also found out that there existed a Philosopher's Stone.. which could have the power to neglect the law of equivalent trade.. they thus set upon looking for it... so that edward can have his limbs back and alphonse, his whole body.
on the other hand, the military had received news of the whereabout of the great hohenheim's sons... roy mustang (i really really love him), a colonel who wants nothing but a promotion set off to look for edward and alphonse and managed to trick edward into being a state alchemist and join the military. edward, with his metal limbs was thus named the fullmetal alchemist. roy mustang, who can ignite sparks and set off fire was the flame alchemist.
being a state alchemist.. your powers are sometimes necessary in battle.. even if you are not wlling to. it was this that gave roy mustang a very very dark past.. driving him to suicide before.. and perhaps why he wanted to the fuhrer (the in-charge of the army)... soon... everyone realized that everything had more than meets the eye and simply no one is let off in this conspiracy...
it's a wonderful series.. although spanning 51 episodes.. there are enough storylines to go on without a boring moment. characters are likeable and you can really relate (and the best thing is they kill off the favourites without a blink)... dialogues are short, sweet, quotable and funny. there may appear to be too many subplots at first but eventually the end reveals that all the subplots links to the main theme very smoothly... simply brilliant.
riza hawkeye, roy mustang, winry rockbell, alphonse (back) & edward
and why do i like roy mustang? because... he has single eyelids and a very very wicked sense of humour. he's pretty scheming... sounds negative but indeed he is very scheming.. when he tricked edward into the army (this is a long story.. one whole episode on this)... edward was pretty shocked because he felt cheated and at that point.. whether roy was good/bad wasn't very clear yet. roy is always confident of himselves... appearing to be arrogant sometimes but that's what i like about him... he may seem arrogant but he's just very sure of what he is doing and what he wants to achieve. he was forced to kill winry rockbell's parents during a civil war, thus compelling him to kill himself earlier on. his right-hand man/lady, riza hawkeye is a very fiesty lady... and of course they end up together in the end. heheh.. man you should watch the last episode where roy mustang fought brilliantly and riza cried over him cuz she saw him on the floor in a pool of blood... *weep*
i love roy mustang. haha....
listening to: l'arc~en~ciel -- ready steady go
troubles in my face
basically i've landed myself in shit. haha.. like.. really. i have a test at 12 tml.. ten chapters... with readings from my textbook and extra ones.. but i haven't touched it yet. so what am i doing these days?
watching animes... downloading osts....
gee... one of my fav. animes starring my FAVOURITE... my dream guy has just ended its run... with a real movie ending coming in 2005... i'm so looking forward to it now.. ever since it got licensed.. which means it's pretty much illegal to have it on the net.. i didn't download it anymore... but got back to it for this last episode... ooooh... nice.... neat... cool... great. haha.. probably no one will know what i'm babbling here but oh well. haha
aH~~~~ no more net for me for the rest of the day after 8 when i finished the last episode of the heavenly sword and the dragon sabre... hhaa...
i hate this man.
listening to: sister mayo -- love tropicana deluxe
i pronounce you husband and wife
i've never wanted to get married THIS BAD.. but on friday... i really want to get married... like... right now and here. haha...
friday is my sister's wedding registration day.. i've never been to the registry of marriage in singapore.. but i'm shocked to know that sooo many couples get married everyday... so wassup with the complains of too many singles around yeah? haha oh well.. but anyway it's been pretty fun...my brother wanted to bring fireworks and set it off.. IN THE ROOM itself.. haha ..that would have shocked the person in charge there so much.. argh but oh well my brother is crap la huh.
diana ser came with her channelnewsasia crew...interviewing the married couples there.. but they came a little too late.. by the time they came my sister and co had already left our buffet lunch. haha .. there goes our fifteen mins of fame on tV~!
but anyway.. the whole thing was very very tiring.. i slept at three that morning cuz i bathed too late.. at one plus and i had to wait for my hair to dry.. how irritating...
i am in fact very irritated now.. cuz my president has just loaded me with a lot of work again. i'm pissed. .frankly i want to just quit and run away and get out of this whole mess.. i'm really pissed.. as in REALLY PISSED.
thanks people.. thanks for being the most unhelpful committee that i've ever been in. thanks.. i'll remember this very much and steer clear from all committees for the rest of my uni life and perhaps most likely.... the rest of my remaining life at large. thanks for making me do a bloody book all alone by myself and then throw it back in my face again without any offer to help change it. i appreciate it. i really do. thanks for making me contact a group of people whom i don't even know who they are and you don't tell me either. thanks for making me look stupid because you guys can't decide what you want and frankly, i don't think you people have any idea why you want the handbook in the first place~! thanks for totally diminishing my effort and then bloody hell request everything that you want perfectly in place without thinking what I HAVE TO DO to come up with what you want. thanks for blaming me for my inefficiency when you won't cover my duties when i'm not around by simply saying "i don't want to do it". thanks for telling me that we can work out anything and that the whole committee should stand together when that doesn't happen when something really crops up. thanks for promising me things that i deserve to have but yet not telling me WHEN and if you really will give it to me when i asked. thanks for making me go down to lavender ten thousand times myself to settle this bloody book (if i lived further.. you can jolly well go to hell and see if i will move an inch)
we learn things from people around us and i'm soooooo bloody enriched from my experiences with you guys. i appreciate everything that i've learned.
and you people should be so bloody glad that i'm bloody CIVILISED.
hmmmz.. this was supposed to be an entry on my sister's wedding isn't it? haha...
listening to: myself