because you are who you are
my hyesung looking SOOO cute in a cf shoot.... hahaha.. man.. i wanna hug him.
a headache. a fever. swollen ears. these are just normal ailments that strike me all the time. it's no big deal normally. but it's a big deal... A VERY BIG DEAL when they come together during a stats exam. and thus... i did my stats exams with a headache AND a fever AND a swollen left ear. DANG. it's a killer combination and YOU CAN DIE. haha.. i died.
anywayz.. as i move on to what i wanna talk about. it's during exam times that my mind starts to wander and i start to think about all the irrelevant things that are of no importance AT ALL. as mentioned before... my friend is happily attached... and we'll start talking about you know.. love and stuffs. haha.. that was bad. that got me thinking.... then all the yo-bo talk with pissy (i think, pissy only u know what i'm talking about) ... sets me thinking about this more.
finding a boyfriend (and by that i mean someone really permanent....) would be one of the toughest thing that i have to do. i mean... where do you find someone who can appreciate AND understand my humour? hahaha.. that ain't easy baby. i admit that i have one of the weirdest sense of humour and it can get really unnerving for some people. at least i know for singaporean guys.. haha oops.. no offence.. but since young, i've always believed that my special someone is someone overseas. haha.. you know.. people says.. if you hold your chopsticks very high up near the end.. that means you'll be married off very far away... not sure if you guys heard of this before.. but my mum told me this when i was young... i can only hold my chopsticks very high up.... or i can't get my food at all.... and this is where my belief came about... hahaa...
i guess it's only my own fault that i remain like this. haha.. frankly.. i'm not pretty... not like all of the people around me. and to make it worse.. i'm fat. okie. plump.. whichever sounds less degrading. haha.. and i'm totally undescribable.. man i don't know what anyone can find appealing in me. hahaha...
but then again.. even if i CAN find someone... erm.. not very likely.. but let's just assume for the sake of continuing this post... i think i have a serious bout of committment phobia in my blood. i belong to the sort that would think about when he'll break up with me from the very first day we're together. sometimes i want to cry.. am i that pathetic that people JUST have to approach from nowhere and play a sick joke on me? do i look THAT un-loved?
sometimes i think my life sucks. once again.. i'm having this self-esteem issue. i always asked if i sucked that much.. and getting encouraging answers from my friends always make me feel better. but deep down i know i suck. like what.. BIG TIME? hahah... it never bothered me that much.. it's just the time of the day.. you know.. haha.. do i sound pathetic? do i sound like i'm going to die just because no one loves me? hahaha...
don't worry.. i'll be okay after some ramblings.
but everyday... i wait for someone who will tell me why he likes me.
because you are who you are.
i'll wait.
listening: dj sammy -- heaven (candlelight remix)
incomparable to jay
jay chou... one of the best things that ever happened to taiwan~
hahaa... well well.. i must say it's almost like a routine thing to turn up for every jay's concert in singapore.. so far it's my third time at his concert.. first at suntec.. then twice at indoor.. haha.. man and everytime it gets better... was quite sianz at first cuz realized that my side was at the back of the 4-sided stage... but gawd bless, he kept coming to MY side... cuz it was like.. oh yeah jay u rock big time. HE WAS SO NEAR.
taufik and sylvester went too! i understand why syl went.. but taufik??!! you mean he understandS?
anywayz.... compared to
the one... i preferred this year's better. it wasn't so much of an extravagance frankly... erm... minus the cross he came out with.. that was a BIT ott.. hahaa.. it was more of a singing event throughout.. which was good.. cuz it's like... all the glittering stuffs.. costumes.. awH they don't amount to jay chou belting out tunes steady and true. haha... nan quan ma ma was pretty entertaining... especially since yuhao was like SO BLOODY good with his PINK piano... man their fingers were flying and floating on top of the keys and beautiful music came out man.... i wish it was
flight of the bumblebee though. haha... landy was boring... erm... of course the happy birthday song was cool.. everyone could sing it.. then she sang her faster number and basically everyone got quite sianz. sorry landy.. u've just gotta try harDER!
he didn't sing some of the nicer songs i wish he would... like wai po... like kun shou zhi dou... argh... and some of his older ones... man...he said he would come back the year after next... haha.. have plenty of time to think whether i wanna go again or not.
anyway... since i had so many friends who liked his songs i called:
1. zhengmei during qi li xiang and qing tian
2. bernie and peijun for hei se you mo
3. qiaoyan for nan quan mama's xiang cao bao pu
who else did i call? hahaha... geez. i dun remember.
oh man.. i can't wait til shinhwa comes... i'll faint or something.
listening to: nakashima mika -- legend

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHIN HYESUNG!!! today is his 25th (26th in korean calendar) birthday~~!! ???? ???~~~~ ?? ?????~~~~ here's wishing him all the best in his work... health... and love life!! hahah... his solo album coming out in january.. man i can't wait!!!
i have the best boss in the WORLD
no hyesung today... because i'm gonna dedicate this post to the BEST BOSS IN THIS WHOLE WIDE WORLD. it has something to do with shinhwa though. keke..
richard ho is my boss and he's the sweetest person in the world. i told him once i love shinhwa on msn... he was laughing at me... but oh well. .hahaa... so today i received a mail from him... i thought what happened cuz it's like... erm... hahaa.. just somehow i thought it was some documents or something.. my sister was sooo curious too..
when i tore open the corner... man i almost died. it was two shinhwa's clippings from i-weeking and u-weekly.. man... i jumped!!! cuz richard's soooooo sweet!!!!! it's like... i even forgot when i told him that!!! it's like.. .man.. i'm still feeling so elated about this... cuz actually i have the u-weekly clipping but not the i weekly one!! and he tore it out nicer than i did!!! oh man... oh man~~ now i can have one at my office and one at home!!! this is like the best thing EVER!
richard's really nice... he's like.. very friendly and never the kind who will pressure his writers... haha.. okie... i think he should have pressured me or something cuz it's like.. i'm totally NOT submitting anything... but all the while he's been very encouraging.. still giving me fish leung's ntu concert tix... and mayday's schedule and stuffs.. man he rocks big time.
frankly i don't know what to address.. but a fellow writer and i have decided to stick with boss. hahaha... shall just call him our boss..
dang i have my jap exam tomorrow... and i'm writing rubbish here cuz it's like.. i just wanna thank him sooo much~~~
richard.. if you see this.. i wanna tell you.. i'm gonna write with everything i have because you've been so nice. you rock.. you R-O-C-K!
listening to: s feat. eric -- just one moment
if catastrophies don't kill me...
...stress will.
once again i'm not putting up hyesung's picture in my entry because it's getting sad and bad... as in my mental condition.. and my life. hahaa.. okie.. that rhymed a little bit~! i'm sick~!
i'm getting all cranky. i don't know why. i think it's the stress or perhaps it's really the weather. the weather's been bad you know. rain and stuffs.. today it rained so hard that i thought it would last forever.
today i was secretly unhappy. or perhaps annoyed. and maybe a little irritated. by what? haha.. by some comments. i don't think the person who said it meant anything else but i took it very hard. i don't know why i did. i felt uncomfortable.. like something's weighing in me. i wanted to snap and jump.. the mental images were running through my mind... the scenes that would follow if i really DID snap.
but i didn't. because i think i'm overreacting. because i think i'm being overly sensitive. because i think i'm kicking a big fuss out of nothing. because i think i suck. yes i suck. so i lived with it.. and until now, as i relate to everyone who sees this.. i'm still feeling sore about it. but i know when i wake up tomorrow morning.. i'll be fine again. i would have forgotten all about this and i'll return to the happy me. the normal me. the me whom everyone sees everyday.
not like this me is good. this me is not good. this me laughs so much that it can kill. this me is rowdy, noisy and temperamental. this me is.. a bad me. but i don't have so many mes to show the world. but i don't have another better me. all mes suck.
but i'm happy. this me is happy at the moment. haha... oh no i'm confused... which me am i talking abOUT?!
like i told my friends... i have split personalities. so maybe it's not me you're talking to.
listening to: vicky zhao -- jian jian
it's not easy you know.
i deleted this when i was going on a crazy rambling spree few days back.. so here's putting you back to where you belong, hyesung! haha...
two set-to-flunk papers in a day and you get a dysfunctional me.
i had chem in space mcq exam this afternoon... and a abnormal psychology 2 essay questions exam in the evening. man can i even explain in words on how tired i am? i'm totally washed out, trashed and has gone into remission cuz i can't remember a single thing of what i have studied. in fact.. i was so zonked out, i didn't come to my computer when i reached home.. i had my dinner.. watched a bit of mtv.. and then fell asleep on my couch. man... if i don't go to the computer instead... that will tell you how tired i am.
i know i've flunked them big time and my cap this semester is going WAYYYYYYYY low... but i'm like pretty numbed now. heck it.. i can't care less already. i'm too tired and drained. man.. exam stress. i hate to admit it but it's BAD. like.. .real bad.
listening to: stefanie sun -- hey jude
no hyesung today.. because 21st november is shinhwa's kim dongwan's 25th birthday~!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~
eric plays a schizo in shinhwa's mv.. angel... hyesung's his split personality so he ends up seeing hyesung instead of himself in the mirror... how apt.HOW APT.
to fail. to fall. to fade.
hyesung with jihoon... i'm gonna post more b/w pics so that it goes with my layout.. haha.. and hyesung's got nicer b/w ones anyway..
i didn't want to post hyesung's picture today... because i actually hadn't quite got out of the whole depression thing. but i guess putting his picture can make my day feel a little prettier...
it's times like this when i have to fight my own depression. it's not a clinical one... but it sure is chronic. no.. not the kind that will do really crazy things or anything.. but it does eat me. i can feel depressed and bad things that happened eons ago come to my mind and add on to the effect. then it snowballs.. then i feel worse. haha.. sometimes i get quite exasperated.. how come things like that happen? how come it makes me feel like i'm going crazy all over again for the nth time? hahaha....
and it's things like that that make me feel different from everyone else. as in.. abnormal.. sometimes i'm scared of myself. sometimes i drown myself in bad thoughts.. negative thoughts and self-criticism. then i feel like i'm the last person who deserves to be on earth. but then again.. i love life so much.
yes.. i'm loving my life. i can be broke.. i can be fat and ugly... i can have no one beside me... but i love my life. i love staying alive and simply breathing. it's not like i've lost everything.. have i?
i guess i'm still positive.
man i don't know what i'm writing.
listening to: zhao wei -- jian jian
spinning around
if you're wondering where's my daily dosage of hyesung's pic.. here's why. cuz i'm having a headache. haha.. a bad one.. and despite having a bad one, i'm here updating my blog. i removed hyesung's picture cuz i can't look at anything flashy at the moment. words are fine. pictures are not.
i think my head's spinning because my psychology modules are killing me. oh and at the same time my secretary duties are adding on to it. you know.. it's pathetic when i have to write in my blog every other day and complain about my committee... my job. it re-establishes the fact that i have a sucky job. and such aversive reinforcements will only make me feel worse. make me more certain that i'm stuck in some really hellish stuffs. oh and guess what... I AM STUCK. no one helps even when i asked. no one bothers. those who did only helped in bit. i appreciate it really... i do. but i wish you'd do more. oh and perhaps I DON'T DESERVE help cuz i never helped much in my life. wow. i'm pathetic. yes slap me.
i was doing my schizophrenia chapter today and i sometimes worry if i'm getting it. paranoid schizo... disorganized schizo... am i going crazy? i think so.. sometimes i get delusional. i stare in space and i wonder how someone gets hallucinations... it's gonna be really real that you can imagine someone standing in front of you and talking to you. then i wonder if i'll get it one day. maybe i will. or maybe i am having it already.
am i delusional? i don't think so. or maybe i'm delusional enough to think that i don't have it. i'm dreaming...i'm crazy.. i think about success in life. i'm not meant for it. i'm bloody not meant for it. i think about good things happening to me.
i am delusional. haha.. okay. pardon my ramblings. my headaches induce weird behaviours all the time.
and after realizing that when you do a "shin hye sung" on yahoo search, my blog pops up in the first 10 searches.. i think it's going a bit too far. my blog's cluttered... and japanese sounds korean to me. man.
i'm 20 for goodness sake. haha.. okie.. but i guess it'll still continue for a while~!! hahah...
ouch. my head's killing me.
listening to: keane -- somewhere only we know
i love all the things i love this isn't a very very clear picture of hyesung.. so why did i post it?? cuz it has him wearing my favourite brand.. abercrombie and fitch~!! good taste!
first, let me explain how my love for abercrombie started. it started in 2003... when my sister bought a abercrombie and fitch tee for me... labelled "#1 REBEL"... haha.. i loved the wording.. it's sooooooo me! hahaa... then i wore it almost every other day because it had the best material around... 100% cotton.. i guess a lot are like that too.. but it felt super comfy and hip... there was once when i dragged wanz, siva, shuz, ben and junming (i can't quite remember how many) for a shopping trip.. on a search for abercrombie tees in marina.. haha.. i'm so sorry cuz i made them go so many places with me! haha.. the only thing stopping me from buying ALL my tees from abercrombie is the price and that shipping from the states is exorbitant. it's mad.. it costs more than the goods itself~!! haha.. i once saw a very very nice pair of pants but that would cost me 79 bucks... ouch~ but they've got pretty clothes.. other than tees... argh.. LOSE SOMEMORE WEIGHT!!
had dinner with my parents after studying in school with my junior.. a fellow shinhwa-crazed fan! haha.. i love having dinner with my parents.. i would feel like a small kid again. it's like... they would leave a lot of the food for me and sometimes i wanna cry ... but crying over dinner would freak them out. haha.. esp. my father... he always treat me like i'm ten! haha..but they are the ones who always make me feel loved...
i was watching a tv show.. that talked about kids leaving home... haha.. i used to want to do that... i even had it all planned!! where to stay.. what to bring... i had it all written out... i even had my money ready~! ahaha but i never did it.. i guess i'm just never ready to leave the comfort of my own home... when i was growing up.. i thought my parents hated me or something... haha.. but now i know they love me.. i guess!!
i love them too~~~~ muackz~
listening to: may -- miracle
avoiding the rain
don't be surprised... this is not hyesung... but it has something to do with him~!!
at this moment, i should be meeting wanhui at starbucks to study. but the rain is crazy so we've decided to wait. i'm telling you i HAVEN'T touch my books at al.. i can't study at home at all~! because i would go to the computer and download my shinhwa stuffs... haha.. so guys.. if i i fail this time round.. it's cuz of this 6 korean guys. man. i hate to even admit it.
the necklace above is currently my favourite possession... i fell in love with it the first time i saw it. exquisite design... i like the two round pendants that are held together by a diamond star. haha.. then the shopkeeper said it's from korea.. haha.. that made me wanna buy it more. yes yes. laugh at me laugh at me. haha.. it's been too long since i last bought accessories...
then i showed my junior and she said.. .what? one is for you and one for hyesung? haha.. oh my god. i can't believe she actually thought of that. haha.. at least i didn't.. haha.. and when i heard it.. i laughed like crazy. man she has one helluva imagination~! haha.. but because she mentioned it, i realized that it was a star... shooting star! haha... what the hell... haha.. i've always liked stars!! haha.. my accessories since sec school were all star-shaped.. haha think it's more classy than heart shaped things or anything like that. haha.. less cheesy~!
okay... i think i'd better go for my books. no shinhwa for whole 3 weeks~!! haha... i don't care... i have to get them out~! haha.. obsessions always come at the wrong time for me. argh.
listening to: s -- sarang ni

hyesung in a new cF with junjin in the picture... he changed his hairstyle again... arghh i don't like this new one.. although i think he dyed it marvellously~!!

i like this a lot.. it's hyesung behind a camera for a CF.. he has a lot of pictures in b/w.. and man i love his hair... and he's got very nice arms. haha~~
it's not everyday
...that i post a picture that's not featuring hyesung~!!! hahaha... okie.. it's actually cuz i posted two yesterday~!! haha.. this is nellie and me~~!! haha.. so what's up with my pose?? haha... this was influenced by andy.. cuz he kept doing that everywhere he went.. now i'm starting to do it too~!!! hahaha
had my japanese oral today... my god.. i have no idea how i lived through it.. basically.. i just crapped and screwed up really big time. gee~ but i had a lot of fun after that.. sitting through the whole thing with my classmates who finished later than me.. we took pictures on our phones and with our senseis... got scold by takeda sensei for talking loudly at the corridor....
shizuka ni nasai!!!!!!!... haha i think he said that for .. 3 times.. haha.. but we took pictures with him too~!!! haha.. i can't believe this. haha...
the rain today was crazy.. man i specially wore a skirt so that i won't die but it still got very wet. i felt like i was stuck in some typhoon shit. hahaa.. it got THAT bad man... haha i wouldn't have minded if i was at home. haha.. but i was not. i was supposed to go out .. practice pairwork with my partner.. haha... oh well.. i was quite afraid of my partner at first actually.. cuz it's like... i'm always making a fool out of myself during class.. so i was pretty sure that she hates me or something.. hahaa.. but turned out pretty cool.. we didn't hate each other~! haha.. she's actually pretty nice and cute~!! haha.. guess i'm always committing first-impression bias on EVERYBODY. hahaha....
been pretty screwed... couldn't talk during the test.. stammered.. stumbled.. went blank.. you name it i did it. haha.. anyway i haven't mentioned that i got back my social psych feedback? haha.. i love my classmates.. a lot of them gave comments that i was bubbly.. spontaneous.. know my stuffs well (man you are so wrong. haha).. sometimes disruptive (oOPs!).. haha but they gave me pretty good ratings~! hahha.. thanks people.. thanks for everything~ i hate the mod but i love ya all~!! hahaha...
exams are coming~! and i'm panicking.. i hate this.. haha i hate exams~~!! hahaa...
and i lost 1 kg in two days~!! woooooooooo *does the andy thing*... haha
shinhwa rocks~!!! but they are going to split soon... argh.. cuz of army enlistments and stuffs... but heck it.. there's still one more plus year to go.. i'm just gonna love them before and after.. together or alone!~!
listening: se7en feat. wheesung -- she's mine

posted today on shinhwa's blog.. this is what hyesung wrote ... "for the record, i've never been to an amusement park for reallly long. it's been a while since i've debuted"... poor hyesung.. no time for fun??? haha... good try imitating the mannequin!!! hahaa

haha posted this cuz it looked pretty silly... haha.. this is S... and it's once again an ad for the school uniform company.. don't think kangta will win.. cuz ji hoon is helping hyesung!! hahaa.. and hyesung is a 3rd degree black belt~!! hahaha.. okay. that doesn't mean everything. haha

hahaha.. had my reservations posting earlier pictures of shinhwa.. cuz they were once in the H.O.T (read: heavy makeup and crap) route.. this was after that.. hyesung still looked good in blonde hair.. that's difficult for an asian guy OKIE. haha... but still.. i'm glad he changed it.. and the style too!
why i love people i love
finally.. a group picture! from left to right: eric, hyesung, junjin, minwoo, dongwan and andy~! haha.. i guess it's time to give exposure to the rest of the group as well.. haha... hyesung loves wearing hats/caps... and he always look sooooooooo good in them! *dROOLz*
i believe regular patrons of my blog are familiar with shinhwa/hyesung by now... haha no doubt about it man.. but i realized that i haven't really touch on why i LURVE them.. thus i shall dedicate an entry on the reasons why i love them.
why i love shinhwa
1. because they can sing. that's very important cuz after all, they are SINGERS. what good can they do if they can't even sing in the first place?
2. because they can dance. man it's always a pleasure watching them in their dance videos. take
brand new for example... it could have been anyone ... even if it's not shinhwa.. i believe i would have loved whoever was doing it. even 5566. if they can dance like that in the 1st place.
3. because they have good songs. when you can dance and sing, but your songs are simply not nice, i think it's pretty wasted. they are lucky... their members write songs that are cool and radio-friendly and they get good producers.
4. because they are lame. i believe that if i haven't found all the gameshow footages that they have and found out that they are SOOOOOOOOOO lame offstage.. i wouldn't like them so much. i conclude i LOVE lame people. cuz i'm lame myself.
5. because they can sing/speak english. i'm after all not a korean.
6. because they all look so good. this wouldn't hurt. REALLY.
why i love hyesung
1. because he CAN sing. this is very important and if you have this, basically i will adore you. take raymond from tension for e.g. he's not handsome or attractive. but he can sing. so i love him. and hyesung can carry off r&b, hip-hop, ballad, pop so well... he can sing ANYTHING. and he can hit all the high notes and his voice stay strong and powerful, even when he does it live. ooooooh.
2. because he look weak when he's not. okie.. i know this factor is soooo weird but i have a thing for people who look like that (think kangta or zheng yuan chang.. haha). the idea is LOOK weak.. not REALLY weak.
3. because he has a black belt in taekwondo. read above. he's not REALLY WEAK!
4. because he looks good in glasses. people who know me very well will know that in my eyes, a shuai-ge can only be a real shuai-ge if he look good in glasses too.
5. because he is LAME and always making a fool of himself. haha... i love the way he laughs and how he reacts when he does something wrong.
6. because he writes. he can write songs... that's SOOOOOOO desirable.
7. because he is shy. haha i love shy people cuz they are sooo cute.
8. because he has great hair. the hair changes everything.
9. because he can dance. he's not the best dancer.. and never mind the fact that he can't rap. haha.. he can do the beatbox though! (weird....)
10. because he can speak english. this is very desirable if you're talking about koreans/japanese.
oooh~ that's a long list~
listening: britney spears -- toxic
sometimes i really don't know
and this is hyesung immediately after he got flicked on the forehead by andy.. look at his expression.. i think it really hurt BAD... cuz hyesung looked like he was going to cry! haha.. he wanted to hit back andy but he ended up just laughing... hahaha...
this is andy.. he is now my second favourite in the group.. he does mostly the raps in their songs.. very lame and is the baby in shinhwa.. always acting like a kid! haha.. he can flick people real hard on the forehead and hyesung was the victim! haha
hehe... i guess i started the post with a very weird picture.. i should post the series of picture leading to hyesung's painful encounter with andy's fingers-flicking.. haha... maybe next time~ we can play this game people! haha...
went out with irene for dinner on thursday evening.. what a nice meeting after soo long~! we haven't seen each other in soooo long ever since we stopped work at iras last year in june... haha.. always wanted to meet up but we always have something on at the end.. geez..
we went to holland village for pasta.. it was pretty cheap.. 5 bucks for a pasta dish... salad...garlic bread... and mushroom soup~ quite a good deal.. except that the noodles a bit... LITTLE. hahaha.. but 5 bucks for so many stuffs.. i guess you can't quite ask for too much. we had thai seafood pasta and it was really good.. minus the little part. haha.. but i didn't really had a good stomach that day... so.. it didn't really matter. i don't know the name of the shop but i know where it is.. i'll bring my friends over there next time~!
after eating.. we made our way to coffee bean for drinks.. and shinhwa~! hahaa.. turned out she heard of them and had a good impression... so all my psycho-ing made her very interested and i think i have successfully turned her into a shinhwa fan as well~! oooh hooo~! my god.. why do i sound like i'm going to conquer the world or something?? hahahaa.. i'm not!! i'm not!! don't misunderstand me!
haha i've always liked irene's company.. cuz she's just as crazy, as bonkers and as out-of-this-world as me! haa.. we have same views on a lot of things (other than shinhwa okie!)... and we always have a lot of fun~!! haha.. i sooo look forward to going out with her again.. hehhe
yesterday i also met up with ruijie and pissy, my favourite juniors from rvco.. haha.. pissy was sooo late (and you still owe me a drink) so before that, ruijie and i were talking about school and stuffs... hahaa... then had lunch with pissy... ruijie left early.. so we rotted at the forum before i went to the japan exchange talk..
korean classes were postponed.. pretty pissed off but was so glad because now i have wanhui with me in the class!!! oooooh hooooo~!!! can't hardly wait!!
it's been eventful these days.. but i'm still feeling a little off... still rather sick.. haha.. today i got news that my best friend is attached~!! hahaa.. i'm so happy for her... but that means probably i won't see her that often anymore... hahaa.. i guess there are some things that you just have to get used to...haha things like some people won't be around you all the time eventually...
i'm listening to shinhwa's song
my own secret from their 6th album... it's a sweet sweet love song with a very soft melody and very catchy... very soft on the ears and touching... and hyesung sounds so good.. this is one plus point when your favourite member in a group is the lead vocal.. you can hear him all the time!!!
listening to: shinhwa -- bi mil (my own secret)

this is hye sung from their vol 6.5 album.. winter story... he recently came down with an eye infection after just recovering from a throat infection.. man he has a problem with his health~!!! *sob* hahaa..

s in an ad for a school uniform brand (funny why they have such a company.. and that's kangta's head in the middle btw).. they played as students and are late for school... with their principal waiting for them at the gate... hahaa... cuTE~!! why don't i have people like hye sung and kangta for classmateS?!
one helluva trip
i promised shu to put up a picture of hye sung as a teacher in one of his music videos.. he does look the part doesn't it? =D... in fact i would KILL to have him as my teacher... teach me korean~!!!!
it's unbelievable what i went through today in less than 12 hours. one trip that brought me everywhere.. and pretty stuck in a whirlpool.
it all started at 6.00am.... when i woke up to finish my stats report... done in the most professional way. erm.. okie maybe not that professional but i tried alright?! anyway... lecture was at 8.15am.. so i left home at 7.30... blah blah blah.. just usual stuffs...
after the lecture.. i went to the comp lab with bern and huiyi to touch up on our report and AS A LAST DITCH ATTEMPT.. improve on it. we left the place at 11.40...went back at 11.58 or something...
because i realized that i left my thumb drive at the comp cluster. and by the time i got back.. it was gone.
f--k me.
that was the first thought in my mind (you know i really hate saying such things when hye sung's picture's above.. argh). i think i cried.. i did right, bern? hahaha... cuz that was my thumb drive~! i shared it with my sis.. did tell her i lost it and hoped she didn't have any important stuffs inside.. but i was still very very disturbed~!! the thumb drive is only 32 megs... and it was given free from singnet subscription... but STILL!! it's my stuff and it was missing~!!!!
then i felt like a detective (too much conan and kindaichi XD).. cuz the first thing that came to my mind is look at the login screen. the last user would have his/her login id left on the login screen.. so i tracked it back to a soc guy... emailed him and prayed. throughout the day before his reply.. i was so bloody disturbed... as in DISTURBED. i skipped my gem lecture because it was already 12.30pm before i finally got over it. during the jap tutorial after that.. i couldn't quite concentrate as well... but i had some fun during class because dear alexis said something wrong and it was really funny (sorry alexis. haha)...
then i got home... and received a sms.. it was from the guy's friend~!! he said that he (the guy) found the thumb drive... gave it to him (the friend) and told him to return to comp cluster service people. but the friend forgot. so.. he msged me asking me to meet him tomorrow (or is it she?)... anyway... i felt so bad cuz i sounded really harsh in my email to the guy.. haha. .hope he's not offended or anything~!
i'm so glad i had bern and shuz with me... thanks peeps. during my break i met up with shuz ... she made me feel so much better by letting me talk about.... shinhwa~!!! hahhaa... is it obvious that i'm trying to make her like them too? hahaa.. i made her download their songs... esp.
brand new cuz that's like my FAV. shinhwa song... haha.. and pointed out the parts which hye sung sang~!! haha.. i'm convinced that when she watch the mtv tomorrow.. she will understand why i LOVE shinhwa and hye sung.... hahahaa...
anyway... my korean classes start on friday~! have i mentioned this before? hahaa...
listening: shinhwa -- u
i have a thing for b/w pictures.. no idea what hye sung was shooting for.. but i guess it's the S album footages.. during a recent tv show.. shinhwa was made to stand together.. so a self-introduction and then do a "We are Shinhwa!" together... hye sung being the last person in line... said something like: "i'm shin hye sung. i'm the lead vocalist of the group and i'm a young prince." the moment he said that.. he started laughing himself and everyone collapsed with laughter.. and thus they couldn't do the "we are shinhwa" at all... haha.. sooo cute.. young prince! XD... my korean lessons start this friday.. can't wait~!!!
things i don't understand
hye sung in a tv show again.. haha.. this is yet another standard action he does whenever he laughs... i've watched footages that date back to at least 2002 and he's been doing that all the while... haha... soooooooo cUTe~ on a variety show he just attended.. he played in a segment called "Of Course".. which means the participant from a group must say something.. and the person from the other group must say "of course".. until one of them cannot agree anymore. so shinhwa took turns to suan each other.. because hye sung's name is actually shen1 hui4 xing1 (shooting star)...he played against another guy who asked "so.. hye sung... are you friends with jupiter, mars and saturn?"... hye sung *bengz* when he heard that and gave up.. saying that he can't play with someone so childish... hahaha~~~~~
at this present moment... words alone cannot describe how pissed i am. i AM PISSED. it is an irony because hye sung is laughing so happily in the picture above.. but here i am talking about how pissed i am. in fact.. even if he were to appear before me RIGHT NOW... i will go gaga and then STILL be pissed. does that even give a hint of how pissed i am? i think it does. hell yes.
it is very sickening when you have to do something over and over again. and my my.. let me tell you something... a piece of advice from someone who's been through something and still am stuck in it.. DO NOt.. i say DO NOT ever volunteer to a secretary in an organisation of over 100 people. you will die. YES YOU WILL DIE. do you know how many times i've been doing the name list already? i've corrected it like a thousand times.. yes a thousand times. or maybe a million. okay... make that ten million times.
people don't correct what is wrong the first time. they have to... they SIMPLY HAVE TO wait til you finish everything... THEN they tell you something is wrong. and i've always believed that singapore has the highest density of cellular phone usage... but not like... everyone starts changing their number in less than 3 months?! my goD~ and then you give out the list for them to change like ten thousand times.. until finally you call it quits... you want to finalize it... THEN THEY SAY... OOPS.. FORGOT TO TELL YOU blah blah blah blah blah.... then you find someone to help you check out all the graduation dates... because you have a stats report to hand in in two days and you SIMPLY HAVE NO TIME FOR THESE SHIT. then you get an email back ... hi.. please refer to the attachment =).
NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE. i have a problem. i have a problem with what i'm going through. is it just me? or is everyone trying to kill me? i decided that it is JUST ME. i should bloody hell walk out of this place and ignore everyone.. blocking out whatever you all may think about me.
oh yes.. i'm a quitter. you said you could do it.. why not anymore? you said you can handle it well.. why... all of that was a scam? you are just putting on an act? oh yes.. .we should have seen that.. you simply ain't capable enough for these duties.
everyone's bloody screwed.
oops. i hate to associate such things with my hye sung....but.... dammit.
gawd dammit.
listening to: my fury