the new Coca Cola spokeperson... SHINHWA!!!! god.. you know how excited i am by this?! my two loves in my life meet together... and look at hyesung!! he's SOOO HAPPY!!!! 
it gets better when you share
the new Coca Cola spokeperson... SHINHWA!!!! god.. you know how excited i am by this?! my two loves in my life meet together... and look at hyesung!! he's SOOO HAPPY!!!!
when the two most important things right now in my life collide, you'll only get a happy me. haha... such as in the case of coca cola meeting shinhwa... you have no idea how justified... how diginified... how glorified my addiction for coke is. hahah.. which reminds me of my conversation with my sister just now...
me: call vincent come up leh. i want to use the computer (vince's her boyfriend, sleeping in my bro's room which sits my computer.)
sister: you can still use.
me: but i can't on the lights.sister: can but i can't listen to my shinhwa.
sister: *sianz* are you addicted to shinhwa?
me: yah.
sister: ... you didn't even hesitate.
lolz.. no one understands my love for my oppa and his gang man. perhaps except hyung-su and yingying! hahaa... which brings me to my eldest sister... we were talking about guys at her hospital room.. lolz... stayed there for a good 2 hours... love talking to my sister... we were talking about traveling.. .and the korean and japanese culture and eventually shinhwa...
sister: i still can't believe you like guys like that guy (she's referring to hyesung).. what's that.. andro...
me: androgynous.
sister: in other words, gay.
me: HE'S NOT GAY!!!!!! (i almost hit her. haha) better than metrosexuals!
sister: at least they are still man-like...
me: hyesung very man one okAY!!
lolz... i get all heated up.
and moving on to the highlight of the day.. my tuition kid. we cancelled the elder sister's session cuz her other friend's not around and her younger sister got a test on wednesday. so we extended the younger one's session and ...
she started crying. she said it's unfair. she hugged her dog and hid in one corner of the kitchen... looking like she just got tortured or something. good gracious...
me: okay.. denise, don't cry anymore okay....
denise: ....
me: okay.. next week only jiejie got tuition.. can? fair liaoz right?
denise: ummmmm...
me: next week jiejie's turn to cry ya?
lolz... wanted to quit taking the younger one cuz it's getting hard to teach... but her mother told me she's improved under my guidance... so....
listening to: the corrs -- only when i sleep
because we're not youwe sometimes will never understand some of the things people do.
they do things which in our eyes... seem absurd.. out-of-this-world and we simply ask... why? what could possibly be going through their mind when they do those things? why did they do it when it never even crossed our minds before?
there's only reason to explain why we don't understand.
because we're not you.
we don't know what you went through... we don't know how things that are seemingly harmless to us hurt you. we don't know how things can sometimes become so.. blown-out-of-proportion when you see it. we don't know how your mind works and how different your perspective was.
to all who left us in a way less natural... may you find peace at wherever you are now.
this entry was inspired.. no.. make that "because" of a korean actress' suicide news. she was 25, up-and-coming but finally lost the battle to depression and hanged herself. not that i particularly liked her.. but suicide news always have this repercussion in me. haha~
it's not everyday... that kim jae won is less than a metre away.
wednesday's a good day... . i met up with hyung-su and my cute cute senior-cum-fellow-shinhwa-fan for korean food. we had it at ju shin jung... a very authentic korean bbq restaurant. it was a little expensive but it tasted nice.. even the indian waiter had a korean name.. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.
it would have been the point until something happened. hyung-su suddenly called me when i was on the bus that S WAS IN SINGAPORe!!! for the uninitiated, S is a group comprising of three korean guys... a solo artiste lee ji hoon, former H.O.T main vocal - now a successful soloist Kangta and who else but my beloved, shin hyesung. i almost fainted when i heard this news... also found out that eugene (the one with park yong ha in the mermaid show) and KIM JAE WON was here too.. gosh... my heart skipped a beat when i thought my oppa was here too.. so the moment i got home, i made my father drive me to furama hotel, where they were sighted. i was late.. cuz my father took his time and the traffic lights were all working against me.. (murphy's law) so by the time i got there.. haha.. i was just in time... they were leaving the restaurant.
everyone crowded around kim jae won.. some girl was going "OPPA! OPPA! OPPA! OPPA!" while clinging on to his arm... and he had the very... don't-know-how-i-should-deal-with-you look.. haha.. sooo paiseh. hahaa.. he signed some stuffs but eventually he left really quick.. hhaa.. ji hoon and eugene were pretty unnoticed.. which probably explained why they look disinterested.. man i should have asked them for a picture... i like both of them.. but god i didn't.. because i didn't know how to call them.. and i didn't dare.. since they didn't really look too happy. hahah.. man i should take with ji hoon and ask about my oppa.. that would make him even more sianz diaoz right.. i guesS~ hahaa.. they left really fast after that in a coach... and it was over.. the whole thing was over like in less than 10 minutes. but i didn't scream or anything.. haha.. was pretty passive over the whole event.. unless of course it's shinhwa or something... hahaa... lalalallaalalala.. IT'S A GOOD DAY!!
not that i'm complaining but i wish that was hyesung. hahha
and at the same time as i'm typing this.. kim jae won and his filming crew is staying at an apartment five minutes away from me. FIVE MINutes.
damn. i swear if i'm not being plagued by this horrible sore throat that's threatening my life now.. i would have stalk him round the clock. dang..
listening to: my brother's ranting
what would you do...... if you're thrown into a prison where half the inmates were put in there by you?i was watching this taiwanese programme on tv yesterday which talks about health issues.. and yesterday.. their topic was about suicide... as in why people kill themselves... who are prone to do so... how should we help them.. after watching it.. it's made me realize more as to why i love constantine so much (yes.. every little thing can link me to constantine at this present moment.. and it's more than just keanu reeves already)... other than the fact that i'm also pretty cynical and bitter and stuffs... the biggest thing that i can relate to him is that...
we're both suicide survivors.
lolz.. do i sound serious? haha.. but that's the truth. don't ask me what i did.. haha... that's like my ugly past. haha.. my dirty linen. hahah.. but i wanna know what constantine did.. to see if there's another similarity between us. haha..
it's also puzzling and very unnerving when it's valentine's day and i'm here talking about... suicide. lolz.. my oppa's gonna get soo worried~!! haha...
happy valentine's people~
listening to: nell -- thank you
i'm boredwhen nothing interesting happened.. and i come up to update my blog, you know I'M BORED.
I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M BORED. actually i'm not supposed to. i have term papers... i have tutorials to prepare for.. i have tests coming up... but... i'm too lazy to do them.. lethargic... totally disinterested.
i think my lethargy is working at its best now.
i have things to write but i'm too lazy and i don't have ideas for them.
i have work to do but i'm just too lazy and tired to even move a finger.
i think i'm so dead... and i still talk about pulling up my cap score this semester. am i dreaming? HARLOW? WAKEY WAKEY~!!
okay.. i take comfort that i had planned to stop all these slacking shi+ by tomorrow and really get down to it on monday. starting from monday... everyday is a move-on.
my work. my co duties before i step down. my things that i have to write.
so in the meantime... let me drown in my jadedness.
listening to: backstreet boys -- incomplete
you see them...
... they see you.
good gawd.. i just caught one of the best movies i've seen recently.. and that's keanu reeves'
man you have no idea how this movie fulfilled all my fantasies. i've always been so interested in stories that deals with angels... demons... Lucifer... the devil... God.. it just fascinates the hell out of me (no pun intended). i'm not a believer.. and perhaps that's exactly why i like stories about them.. twisted... out of this world.. the more dark they portray the light to be... the more i like it.
and i have a thing for flawed characters... unwilling heroes with an unbearable past... they have so much on their shoulders. they hate it but yet they don't have a choice. john constantine don't kill demons because he wanted to save the world or mankind. he did so all for himself... so that he can go back to heaven. so that god will take him again because he was meant to go to hell since he killed himself before.
i love heroes like that. they are so much easier to relate too.
and i love the humour in this movie. the funny lines are soo evenly spread out, coming in at the right places... not too much, not too little. they gave constantine this really likeable sense of humour.... sometimes making his already pathetic life (he's dying of terminal lung cancer) even more pathetic. but i like it that he can always joke about his predicament. an attitude that i should adopt.. or do i already have it in my blood?
ooooh. i have something in common with my favourite hero .. at least for now. but he definitely made it into my list.
gosh i wanna watch it again. keanu reeves' really cool. heck those who say he can't act. his characters are just all that... au natural... u can't put someone really dramatic into his roles... it would ruin that kind of poise and composure.
man... keanu rocks big time.. BIG TIME.
and i almost forgot.. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR~
listening to: myself.
footwork under the stars
so... nice things do happen.
for example.. when i get to sleep until i wake up by myself wayyyy into the afternoon... without jay's
qi li xiang playing from my handphone as my alarm. to be able to wake up naturally must be one of best things that can happen to anyone. at least to me... but of course the BEST thing is waking up naturally and in my oppa's arms la~~~ (you see i'm making an effort to show my love for my oppa so that he won't think that some other guys are taking over his place as my number 1.. namely bi and brian. and if you don't understand what i'm talking about.. don't ask. haha)
my mind's in a whirlpool~ i have so many random things to say..
i realized i really take on my father in terms of personality.. and temper. i'm easily agitated.. and way too low a threshold for irritability. and we're both loud and very very... ready-for-a-fight-anytime kinda style. haha~ so i guess i can never change this aspect of my personality. do i sound fatalistic? haha~
i want to dance. i'm currently addicted to a tango piece... and it makes me wanna dance.. under the stars.. with the music... the moonlight... oppa in a nice black suit... me in a long pink gown... puah hahahaha~~~~ that sounds sooooooooooo romantic.
but sincerely.. i really do want to dance.
listening to: por una cabeza
something so random
Smoke?: No.. my oppa does though. naughty oppa!
Read the newspaper?: Yes... i really do. but i only read the chinese ones.
Pray?: yes.. when i'm in deep shi+ or big big trouble.
Been in love?: No.. if my oppa doesn't count. lolz~
Gone skinny dipping?: nope... singapore govt will catch.
Had a medical emergency?: yes... car accident when young... and head trauma at sec2 from ice-skating. lolz
Ran away from home?: money.. no talk
Played strip poker?: can't find anyone game enough.
Gotten beaten up?: yes... by my mum. man she whacked me upside down.
Been on stage?: yes... and i love being on stage. the cheers.. the lights.. the applause.. it's addictive.
Slept outdoors?: camps lor... sec3 camps...
Pulled an all nighter?: yeah.... i do that pretty often.
Made out with a stranger?: no.... find me a pretty stranger.
Been on radio/tv?: yes... lolz... it was on channel u 6.30pm news... lolz
Been in a mosh-pit?: huh?
Pepsi or coke?: COKE... ALWAYS COCA-COLA. i like milk too.
Chocolate or vanilla?: CHOCOLATE!!! I LOVE CHOC!!
Internet or phone?: internet... i write better than i speak
Suicidal?: all the time... okay.. maybe for now..sometime.
Stubborn?: VERY. ask my oppa.. we're two stubborn cows. lolz.
Open-minded?: yes... i think so...
Arrogant?: nope... i'm too friendly to be true.
Patient?: not at all.... i lose my temper easily. i can't wait.
Hyper?: at wrong times of the day.
Happy?: i look like it all the time... even though i'm not feeling it all the time.
Shave your head for $1000: GIVE ME THE MONEY
Like candles?: depends on where they are...
Believe in love at first sight?: only to pretty people
Believe in forgiveness?: yes... although i don't do what i preach
Want to get married?: yes.... lolz... to my oppa!
Want to have kids?: yeah... if they look like my oppa~
Three words that sum you up: nothing can describe.
Jewelry worn daily: ring
Shoes: slippers... official jinglin footwear
Cologne/perfume: eeee
Clothing you have on: t-shirt and shorts. tee shirts rocks.. so do jeans
Cried: nope.
Gotten sick: choy choy. just recovered from a major one.
Sang: was singing along to
Eaten: of course... lousy nasi padang. i condemn sgh's nasi padang. DON'T EAT IT.
Been kissed: sssssshhhhh~ oppa don't want me to tell .. lolz!!
Talked to an ex: hahaaa
Seen someone you have a crush on: hahah
Had a serious talk: tutorial discussion count?
Missed someone: oppa... all the time~
Hugged someone: not yet~
Slept in your bed: me
Saw you cry: my sister
Made you cry: my sister
You went to the movies with: i can't remember.
Said "I Love You" and meant it?: to my oppa, yes~
Dreamt something really crazy and then ithappened the next day: haha i think so!!
Wished you were the opposite sex: YES.
What book are you reading now: romance of the three kingdoms
Worst feeling in the world: helplessness
What's under your bed: another bed (mine's double decked)
Siblings: 2 sisters, 1 bro
Piercings/tattoos: two on my ears
Do you do drugs: hahahaa. no
Do you drink: only once in my life
What clothes do you sleep in: whatever i'm wearing at that point of time
Where do you want to get married: korea. haha
Who do you really hate: someone who think he's indispensable.
Do you drive: i wish i can
Do you have a job: being a student count?
listening to: mavis fan -- summertime