the blooming sakura
well ... since i've been studying japanese for two bloody long years already.. i reckoned that i should do something about it...
i thus dedicate my first translated lyrics to arashi's latest single... sakura sake.. which means
the sakura will bloom... literally.. haha it's a happy rock song that managed to lift my spirits.. cuz it's just soooooo encouraging~~~
sakura sake by arashi
what should i say when you hold my hand?
if we run on faster... we will be able to reach on time.
the days when we would just stand at the convenience store, reading the magazines
goodbye to the me from yesterday!
all i hear at the streets outside are nothing but sighs
the sakura will bloom
it had sprouted in my heart
all the dreams that are without a name
don't turn your head around
if you start to go backwards... you'll never see tomorrow
so walk ahead!
who is singing before the train station?
that's your favourite song~
i am so far away from you but i won't disappear
therefore... we are still together
one fine day .. we will meet again at that place we always wished for
the sakura will bloom
the small petals were swinging in your heart~
sing out loud now so that we won't be defeated... so that we won't be crushed
the future is coming... soon everything will change
i will try to change too
we will meet again.. definitely!
the sakura will bloom
the small petals were swinging in your heart~
sing out loud now so that we won't be defeated... so that we won't be crushed
the sakura will bloom
it had sprouted in my heart
all the dreams that are without a name
don't turn your head around
if you start to go backwards... you'll never see tomorrow
so walk ahead! walk ahead!!!
~ ah... this song is so good.. i couldn't do the rap lyrics ... because they are too hard (sakurai sho wrote them.. ah.. u talented boy!!!)
^___^ i feel good
i dedicate this song to everyone who are depressed and need a pat on the back...
listening to: arashi -- sakura sake

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHINHWA!!! it's been seven years since their debut.. and man... it's a good seven years!!!
baffledit doesn't make sense... like how some things go out of hand. like how some things just bloody blows up in your face and you just f**king don't understand why.
i did once try to understand the situation. in fact... i'm starting to think if i made the correct decision. i've done wrong things all my life. but i try not to regret them. it's important that i don't regret things that i've done... doing... or would do. because that would just kill me.
i don't want to kill myself. i don't want this to kill me. but i know things will change. in fact, it had changed so much.
it was twice snipped off at the bud... just that this time it's faster. way faster than i thought.
it pushed me into the strange situation.. when i'm left with myself. it probably is going to happen again.
well.. just my luck.
listening to: loveholic -- rainy days
all the more reason to...... drink coke. lolz.. i just discovered that another group that i like, a japanese boyband called Arashi was coca cola japan's spokesperson.
oh my... isn't it wonderful? all the people i love are coke's ambassadors. now... can anyone blame me for dying from a coke overdose? no.. absolUTELY no one.

my favourite is
sakurai sho... the lead rapper in arashi. boy this guy is talented. he raps, dances, oozes sex appeal, is effectively bilingual in japanese and english, acts, sings and he graduated from keio university, one of the top universities in japan with a bachelor of economics. my goodness.. how good can one person can get?
lolz... lotsa distractions these days.
was going to rant about more happy things but i guess i don't have the mood of it now. and to everyone.. whom i either contributed to or cause their sadness... gloominess... anger... whatever-you-want-to-call-it... i just wanna say i'm sorry. being the cause or simply contributed to it just doesn't make a difference to me.
and it shouldn't make a difference to any one of you as well because i'm complete crap.
listening to: arashi -- all or nothing ver. 1.02

the hair that i really really want at this moment. the curls.. the length... the colour. i have the specs already... lolz.. i'm waiting~
shooting star will lead the way... to your heart.
no matter how lousy i'm feeling... no matter how cranky i can get... i can just listen to my oppa and his gang (which makes up shinhwa, by the way.. for the uninitiated) and my foul mood gets better. maybe sometimes it really gets so bad that i'm still bothered by the lousy mood that surrounds me.. but listening to them.. or watching their crazy antics in their videos just make me feel so much better.. putting a smile on my face.
my my.. how do i live without them? lolz~
i don't know what i'm blogging for today.. but i just wanna share my happy feelings brought about my oppa and co. haha... music is my painkiller. shinhwa is my ecstasy. coke is my dope. (eh.. not the drug kinda coke. the drink kinda coke is what i'm talking about.. you know.. the one u can get at vending machines and all decent convenience stores.)
do i sound like i'm doing drugs? lolz...
i watched a travel programme on discovery today... and it introduced indian food. true blue indian food... from dosais to masalas... from peppercorns to coconut fish... my oh my.. i've put on weight already~!!!!
craving for indian food.. maybe i shall have that at the deck tomorrow~
with coke.. of course. ^_^
listening to: shinhwa -- just be my love
divination lot told me...that my yin1 yuan2 is here.. but it's not smooth. i've gotta wait til after august for things to sail smoother.
that means i've gotta go to korea in august and find my oppa. lolz. oh my my.. that will coincide with their 8th album promotion.... which means the divation lot is an accurate one. lolz.
today i went to the temple after my tuition with my parents. cuz my birth year and my mom's is a fan4 tai4 sui4 year... so we've gotta go do something about it. well i was interested in doing the divination thingie and so i did.. and that was what i got... lolz~~~~
i can't wait til august. haha...
sorry people.. to everyone who suffered under my crankiness.. either because of my attitude or what.. my reactions?
sometimes.. when people give me explanations... i feel obliged to accept them even if i don't want to or can't... but if i don't... i'll feel guilty. but if i do... i can't stop feeling negative.
and i doubt the weight of my words. like... they don't make a difference. except to myself. but why in the first place did i think that they do? i think i'm too full of myself. yupz. that's the story.
and by the way... i've locked on a new drama: lovers in paris.. it's soooooooo nice. i'm in love with that bespectacled guy... good gracious. he's got one helluva SEXY voice.
but no one beats my oppa of course.
listening to: my tv next door
unnaturalnow... if only i have a reason to explain my crankiness... i would really truly extremely very entirely be grateful for one.
i'm cranky. and i suspect that it's because that i didn't have the chance to take my revenge on a particular person from co. i still remember how he ran me down and killed me. (you can read my may 2004 archive. lolz) crying for an hour non-stop was a big deal to me. and the simple thought of it still pricks me. and i still don't know why i felt so badly... did i take it too hard? i think i did...
i'm cranky. and i suspect that it's also because i'll (i'm surprised) miss my comm members....
daida.. i will miss insulting and scolding you. and all the compliments you give me (although they only come when you need my help. lolz)
andrew... i will miss your exasperated look.. and the planning that we always have to plot against that particular someone. haha..
minxian... i will miss your help.. cuz you were the one who really helped me a great deal. and your out-of-this-world sense of humour. no one comes close, man. no one.
how tze... i will miss your comments during the meeting.. and how you add on to my jokes. lolz.
teck min... i will miss your lame jokes (you are lamer than me. haha)... and your silly antics.. and yes.. even your poking fun at my size. lolz.
mun ssui.. i will miss your jokes too... you are such a gem to be with~
hahaa.. i never really served my purpose.. but... i managed to scrape through a year. nice and calmly. which means i'll be a bad predecessor and disappear.. hahahh... oops.
i'm cranky. and i suspect that it's because of all the last minute things (again) that came on today. i really don't understand. i mean.. i don't comprehend some mentalities. or perhaps once again.. it's just me thinking too much and taking it too hard. i think it's likely that. lolz. now tell me... if you are given more than a week to decide on doing something... then you only do it on the day itself.. without even telling the person who's in charge of the thing that you are supposed to do... it just shows how determined you are to do the thing.
i conclude that it's just me. but it's the same me that insists on little things like that. it may be unimportant.. it may be bullshit... it may not even be allowed to exist but it's me.
no one is obliged to entertain me.
see? i'm cranky.
listening to: clazziquai -- after love (female version)
don't get me startedsobz.. the fact that i may be failing my first japanese test in two years is making me lethargic and very very pissed. haha.. and to add on to it... i've received news that i may have to continue my stint as the secretary if no one comes up to run for the post.
oh yeah.. i think a faster way to kill me is to just stab me in the heart. clean cut instant death.
i simply cannot articulate how much i'm rejecting this idea (don't get me wrong... it's not that this post sucks... in case any prospective secretaries are reading... i just CANNOT do it for the second time round. it's NOT about the job.. it's about DOING IT AGAIN. get that yeah?). and i thought i can taste freedom by the end of this week.
let me see... what can i do to salvage the situation? i already have a plan. lolz....
well.. anywayz... today i had my japanese interview... with ms. maeda tomoko. she's a native japanese... we forgot to ask for her occupation. lolz... but anyway.. our topic was on "life's best partner"... eh.. how interesting can that get?! but the good thing was that ms. maeda was really really friendly and all.. and helped us through awkward silences (cuz we ran out of questions to ask.. lolz)....
but the thing is... because i'm taking korean at the same time... i'm mixing the two up... especially my accent... it's going haywire when i speak japanese...
listening to: eric + lee hyori -- anymotion oppa is down with a fever and lying in a hospital somewhere..
he must have worked too hard...
sobz.. my heart is breaking~~ I WANT TO CRY BUCKETS!!!
oppa... get well soon~~
listening to: clazziquai -- come to me (mellotron remix)
i don't deserve thisthis is the first time that i'm really crashed.. and burning. never before have i felt something like this. i feel burdened.. i feel accused.. i feel thrashed... i feel burnt and very very washed.
don't do this to me... everybody. i don't deserve everything that you've said and done or is doing. i really don't.
don't give me that... i'm even more stressed out by the situation than you.
don't give me that... because your rejection wasn't strong, because you didn't emphasize.. i took it as a
yes. and now you tell me no... and i'm forced to a corner.
guys... all of you make me want to cry. seriously.
why are you all doing this to me?
paradoxically intellectually challengedit's not my day. good things happened but only a couple of them were good things.
1. my sister came home from the hospital. unless she gets a fever or something, she need not go back again until the next round of chemotherapy on 30th. i'm happy... although that means she will nag about how messy my wardrobe is... although she whines quite a bit sometimes. but no hard feelings. i'm happy.
2. finished off some duties. especially the handbook. god.. i love the boss there. she's so kind, so friendly, so helpful.. so god damn good.
3. i lost my keys. don't ask me how, when and why. i don't know. the only thing i took out of my bag the WHOLE DAY was just my wallet. considering that i could even get my wallet found... and it so happened that i forgot to wear my cross today.. (and i happened to be wearing it on the day i lost and found my wallet) i seriously think it was helping. no i'm still not a believer.. but. haha..
4. my mother's constantly nagging at me to the extend that i scolded her "siaoz". okay. i know that's rude (oppa will reprimand me for this) but sorry.. considering that i just lost my keys before that in the weirdest way... you can't blame me.
whirlpool.. counting down to next saturday.
and i'll be a new person.
listening to: clazziquai -- come to me (mellotron remix)
not my cup of teait's painful when you ask for help and your cries are left unanswered. it's even more painful when your cries are unanswered by the ones who told you that you could ask for help when you need it.
you have the feeling that you are left in the dumps by whoever landed you in this and worse still, you probably brought it all upon yourself. that's the feeling i get.. i know. i should stop rambling and get down to it. trust me, i'm doing that already. i just still need to let all the foul things out.
i have a whole tomorrow planned out in front of me to tie up all the loose ends and say goodbye to this helluva whirlpool. oh i can hardly wait baby. i have my lines prepared... i have it all planned. hahaa...
well well.. let's swipe that foul mood and move on to something else.
what do you do when you drop your wallet with your ic and two hundred bucks in it?
well.. for me? i freaked out. MAJORLY. lolz... i dropped it at the bus stop yesterday and god.... now i know how it feels like when you want to cry but your tears CAN'T come out. trust me it hurts badly. i rang up alexis telling her i'm stuck in the middle of singapore... stopped a bus to get the number to call to Jurong East interchange... and just when i was about to give up and actually kill myself... a maid came to me...
not even when my oppa says
i love you... lolz.. oops.
listening to: shinhwa -- brand new