met up with my primary school mates yesterday.. jerald, jeremy, yixiang, deming, harpreet, sow hsia, minli, yi puay and cindy. can you believe i've never seen some of them ever since i graduated from my pri sch like in 1996? i swear i haven't seen harpreet since then.. TIME FLIES. seriously.. it just fly by you so dang fast.
we had a buffet dinner at seoul garden.. which to me, is also something really really.. missed. the last time i had it was in 1999~ when i was in secondary three.. that's like.. 6 years ago~! oh wow.. that's really long man.. it was a happy dinner.. a little quiet at first cuz deming and i shared the same stove away beside the rest.. so we two were like really isolated and recalling how we survived our marche dinner outing last time (deming and i had this craving for the crepe so we met up and went but we didn't talk almost half of the time while eating. haha)... it was really quiet. but things were better when jerald came and yixiang started getting high~~ and he starts talking crap, with jeremy joining in.. then it just became a really really big joke... and the inside joke of the day (between me, jeremy, yixiang and deming)?
frosted glasses (me and deming wears the same kinda glasses)... yixiang and jeremy were talking about some things and i see jeremy pointing at me. so i asked what's up and jeremy said he liked my kinda glasses.. and that it's a turn-on.
gasp. hahaha~~ so we immediately got into a commotion and we quickly asked jerald if he likes the glasses as well (to see if twins really like the same stuffs). so deming asked him if he likes my glasses.. guess he knew something's wrong and he said to deming, "i like yours."
we all broke into laughters and the whole night, deming was trying to escape from those guys, esp yixiang, who couldn't wait to pounce on him... lolz... gosh.. the whole night was so filled with laughter and fun, i swear i haven't laughed in such a long long long long time~ i swear~~
after that we went to the devil's bar.. but i left early because my stupid leg is hurting (an inflammed kneecap, in case u haven't heard) and i had tuition this morning.. i would have danced so much to toxic, superstar, don't phunk with my heart and can't get you out of my head... even though my leg was hurting.. i told myself i would just dance like hell if justin timberlake came on (trust me, after learning boa's my name, i can do some mean twists ^^) ... but it didn't.. oh well ><

^^seeing double?? no you're not~!!! they're the twins~ first one's jeremy, second one's jerald. (when i took the pic with jeremy, i told him, "oh yeah.. turned on huh?" and he's like "yeahhhh." haha.. the brothers are hilarious)

^^ me and yi puay... my dear ex-neighbour~

^^ me and harpreet, my best pal in pri sch.. this was taken at devil bar's ladies restroom (cuz everywhere's too dark.. ><) and i wanted to commemorate my first visit~! we've made plans to visit another club someday soon (devil's bar's not my cup of tea.. i want JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE~!!!).. which will probably be Club Momo.. haha .. another inside joke.. gosh .. i miss them already... HERE'S TO TEN YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP AND MORE!!!
listening to: justin timberlake -- like i love you
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