aeon fluxi watched this movie free, courtesy of my friend, wenny (thanks a lot yeah?) because her sister wasn't free to make it to the preview screening tonight.
nothing too surprising about this show. i mean it's pretty typical isn't it. killer with a national agenda.. no life, only a mission.. blah blah. but then again .. charlize theron has got a very nice hairstyle inside. and freaking good eye makeup.
but the male lead is hella good. i thought i saw him somewhere before, and indeed he was in a lot of movies that i watched... like lord of the rings and xXx among some others. he has such brooding eyes. totally melting...
i like the dialogue though... at one part when he related to her how they were married in the past. she had died and he had cloned himself for seven generations. he told her that he would tell the other him (the cloned person) everything about her so much so that he would always remember her...and that when he aw her again finally in this generation, the feeling he had turns real.
i thought that was touching. i mean... look at this... every him tells the new boy about her, then when the new boy grows up, the new boy would tell the next clone about her and it goes on and on forever.
LOVE is a song and you are the melody.
listening to: tvxq -- rising sun
coffee smells goodwell i got employed by starbucks today (i'm actually apprehensive about naming names. please don't sue me or anything). i'm happy because it's near my house and i've always wanted to work in coffee houses (yes. i've really tried coffee bean and starbucks before. but i didn't get it. gah).
i'm happy. today is a good day. well i mean yesterday since it's tuesday now.
in the midst of my exams really. another paper on wednesday. well okay i mean tomorrow. wow. that's fast. that's farking near and i'm not prepared at all. yay. wow. nice. roar.
watched the music video for
kizuna by orange range today, a japanese band. or is it group? i'm not sure if they're a band. i think so. the video is warm and cozy and sweet and nice. and there's a very goofy looking guy inside. so cute. the way he smile.. so... goofy. lolz.
by the way.. i'll be spending christmas in hongkong. and also with tvxq. lolz.
i can't wait for christmas to come!
listening to: tvxq -- tonight
and you are...? revision is bad. especially today's. i practically slept the day away. so thrashed after two papers on friday. japanese was... okay.. but bad. woman's health was just plain BAD. plain thrashy and annoyingly bad. i could only really answer like half out of sixty questions and every question constituted one percent to my final grade. wonderful. another module to thrash me.
anyway... something has been bothering me for sometime now. few days back, i took 95 from dover to get to the central library. at the science faculty, this guy got up the bus and suddenly...
he: hey! how have you been!
me: oh i'm at arts!
he: i'm in engine now! first year!
me: really? wah~ how come you're in school!
we chatted for like the next ten minutes until i went to look for my friend at the forum and he went off to the history department. and all the while, i was scanning my memory. and right up til today, at this very moment..
i have no idea who he is. not the slightest idea at all. geez. i really do not know at which phase of my life did he appear in. i think i'll ask him if i see him again.
listening: gwen stefani -- luxurious
i'm not studyingwhich isn't exactly good considering that my exams start in 2 days. i'm pretty freaked out by my lack of interest and lethargy actually.
my old workplace refuses to take me back. so pretty much i'm bearing a grudge here and totally adamant/indignant about it. grrrr. bad. it has developed into a sense of complacency, making me totally passive to try something new throughout all my vacations. so now i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere and i have to try out a different job.
that's if i GET a different job.
i need a job badly. i need income in december badly. my tuition is not enough at all. gawd dang i hate everything that is happening.
anywayz.. on a lighter note, i ran a search on 'tvxq' and 'shinhwa' .. and guess what! my blog turned up 36 for tvxq and 78 for shinhwa. geez. there's too many shinhwa sites out there la.

listening to: tvxq -- tonight
changing for the betteri'm entertaining the thoughts of changing my blog.. but then again i don't bear to. i've been here for two years already.. look at my archives! they are so long.. i have been regularly (not exactly. but then again that's not the point) updating my life here. being as forgetful as i am, i sometimes recap my life through my entries made here. wow. that's so surreal.
anyway.. i do have a livejournal account. but i don't know what i wanna do there. it doesn't look like a journal. more like community (i haven't logged in a year and just now, i did again to join a tvxq community). and by the way, i'm a converted tvxq fan now. lolz. i don't get the name though.
exams are coming, i'm burying myself in my assignments (screw them, really). they are seemingly never-ending. no matter how long i take, i can't seem to finish them. which is not good. because it means i won't be able to finish my revision. which also means i'm screwed. yay.
one thing good though. i have good music with me through this horrible ordeal.
japanese oral interview in a week. have i ever talked about how i'm mixing korean and japanese up? not a good sight. but then again... i just hope i don't spew some korean during the interview. that would be a major screwup. add a japanese presentation on monday to top it off and i have twice the chance of speaking korean in my japanese class. lolz. pretty funny if you think of it. gosh i think i can make it big in japan faster than shinhwa or tvxq. call me queen. lolz.
i hate assignments. bleah.
listening to: tvxq -- love after love