i'm singing in the rainno i'm not really in the rain, nor am i singing but i'm enjoying a quick break after a stressful exam this morning. i took my adolescent psychology paper this morning and... how should i put it? it wasn't exactly difficult because the question was sort of spotted before the exams... so the moment i saw the question, i started shooting my pen off and blah blah blah.. i wrote and wrote and wrote. the second question.. was something i prepared for but by the time i got to the paper, most of what i read had escaped my mind. haha. so all in all.. i'm feeling okay about the paper but it could all be just in my mind.
anyway.. i'm soooo addicted to tv nowdays. not just any tv.. definitely not mindless dramas like 'desperate housewives' (sorry fans) nor dramas that are trying too hard.. read: lost season 2334235 and reality television is definitely not my cup of tea (enough of seeing other people being successful already!!).
i'm addicted to the discovery travel and living channel on the cable television. my goodness, this channel is everything i want to experience. everyday i sit there watching celebrity chefs whip up beautiful dishes and i'm starting to miss my oven. i swear i will start making some pastries again after my dreaded exams. other than cooking programmes, my favourite has to be globe trekker, starring ian wright, who is in my opinion, one of the best hosts out there. i love his programmes, not just for the exotic landscapes, beautiful sceneries, million dollar sights and sounds but also for him! because he is mad good.
i secretly wish to be him, to be as witty, as funny, as humourous, as adventurous and most of all, as fortunate to be working as a host for such a great travel programme. 70 countries in 12 years and mind you, most of where he visited are exotic places which i know i probably wouldn't ever go in my whole lifetime (he went to the arctic in yesterday's episode, played with baby seals and saw a polar bear!). oh my oh my. what can i do to get a life like that?
because he's so funny, i think he's real cute.
and i'm contemplating going to england. because all the shows that i'm watching, including ian wright, almost all hosts are english.. keith floyd, jamie oliver, are all english and i LOVE THE ENGLISH ACCENT. my all time favourites are ewan mcgregor's, hugh grant's and of course, ian wright's.
i'm loving other channels such as animal planet, national geographic (waiting for the secret bible week programmes) and discovery. wow. i feel intellectual already.
liquid kitcheni declare this MY favourite hangout after i went there just now with kailing. frankly i'm a little drunk now and i'm very drowsy but i strive to introduce this lovely place.
campari orange and bourbon coke. the latter's mine.the drinks are mad cheap. the food is mad cheap. with a full seafood spaghetti going at $2.99 and my bourbon coke at only $5.52... i'm not going anywhere else (paulaner charged me $13 for such a large glass, i can't even finish it). this one comes in a smaller dose but i love it. because it's just right for me.
cheesecake. yummy yet sinful but good.the cheesecake was going at only $2.99 as well, part of their mid-week promotion. seriously, can you understand why i'm so in love with this place? they play good music and GOOD music is so damn freaking important to me.
oh and did i mention that liquid kitchen is only a 5 minute walk away from my house?
i'm SERIOUSLY not going anywhere else.
listening to: tszx feat. bi -- the club
in the name of shinto...now i'm just kidding. if you're a shinto-believer, please forgive me. i'm just trying to be funny. but in any case, i just finished my japanese six exam and i had this pressing urge to come here and blog about it.
because the first paper of my last exams have just ended. okay i screwed it up. god knew what those blanks were and certainly i did not know what to fill them up with. everything that i didn't study came out and everything that i did... oh well, i didn't study much anyway. haha.
time flies freaking hell. i've been blogging since 2003.. which means that i've been blogging since the beginning of my nus days. wow. that's hella fast. it's been horrible seriously, to combat studies while facing distractions but now that i'm finally near the end of it all, i feel sorry.
nus has been negating logic, breathing down my neck and getting on my nerves. but i will miss this place. i will miss taking 96, taking 33, going to arts canteen with my friends and what else! japanese!!! i've taken japanese modules since my very first semester in my first year and now that it's over, my life is going with it. haha.
i will repeat all these when my convo approaches on 11 july.
okay. that's provided i DO graduate.
listening to: myself!
and here i go againi've always told myself not to blog more than once a day.. or at least, combine everything together and for peace's sake, not have more than an entry under one date. but today i break this rule, and it's really because i have frustrations inside me that are growing at such an alarming rate, they threaten to blow up my brain, leaving that particular mass of muscles in a messy puddle.
i hate hate hate (and i can't express this enough with just this word) being stressed. and apparently, contrary to what i've always thought, exams DO stress me out. i hate to admit but yes, the fact is proven. all the sickish symptoms that i'm experiencing, all the lethargy, all the ill feelings.. these are, i believe, symptoms of stress.
please do not ask me why my first time with stress is coming so late. i have no idea. perhaps because this is like... the last lap. so the thought of drowning while at my last lap is frightening enough to set of physiological symptoms. well... never trust the words of a lazy psychology student. it may be bullsh*t for all you know.
also, i'm jealous. jealous of everyone around me. because everyone has things i don't possess. the saying that goes something like... don't think about what you don't have, think about what you have... is encouraging but impractical. okay.. at least in my case. all that fills my mind? THINGS THAT I DON'T HAVE. because if i were to think about things i have, i'm done in two seconds.
kinda sad, as i think about it. no this, no that, no these, no those.. the list goes on forever.
listening to: myself
flattery at its bestwhile i'm a little shy to show my original picture (i look like a dumb ass there).. i'm glad to show everybody the results of my face recognition test.

talk about being flattered!
listening to: clazziquai -- sweety
inappropriately timedrevelations truly come at times when you least expect it.
my life.. for the umpteenth time, i lament its emptiness.
and for the umpteenth time, my emotions are played with and i struggle to keep a clear mind, keeping my head above the water.
such a bad bad thing in such a fine day.
i love the rainy weather.
and i hate exams.
listening to: clazziquai -- chum
and i'm only.. as i sit before my laptop... wrecking my brains trying to write about something intellectual, i realize that it's just another futile attempt. gee.
my life has been filled with major ups-and-downs during just this two weeks. i lived through the worry of failing my module (alas, in my graduating semester!) to discover that i actually did pass both of my class tests.. yet the worry has not been dispelled, you can never be sure what nus has in store for all its students... i also lived through happier moments.. such as the booking of my flight and the confirmation of my dearest beloved's concert in seoul olympic park. after two years, well almost, i can finally see them in flesh and blood. what can excite me more?
this is a period of stress and uncertainties. exams.. then hopefully graduation.. then job-hunting...
i've always been a critic of nus but i'm already missing it already.
do i sound very literary today? i think that's because i've been reading books.
da vinci code by the way is a freaking good thriller. i'm inspired.
and my mother bought uZap!
listening to: kat-tun -- real face
my life visioni want to see this world while i'm young.
i want to run around countries while i still can run.
i want to experience spring, summer, autumn and winter.
i want to know everything about this world.
i want to see all the beautiful sceneries. ALL.
i want to do so many things.
so, dear mama, please understand me.
listening to: tvxq -- tonight