ssssssssssssssssssssssssi.i'm in pain. even after 10 hours.

while cooking nongshim cup ramen, the hot water scalded my entire hands.
i've been scalded before on my chest (coincidentally, by a bowl of maggi mee back in sec sch days. what is it between me and instant noodles?!) but that was so long before, i don't remember how to react to bad burns.
god it's still stinging. and i have to show up for an interview like that tomorrow morning.
listening to: s.h.e -- chu dian
adult!according to a lot of people, you are a full-fledged adult when you leave school. as of 11 july, i have become a real adult.
however, no one ever mentioned anything about mentality.
well anyway... i realized i should have updated on my graduation before my trip to kl because my graduation happened earlier. oh well. never mind. i don't have much pictures to show.. because i looked horrible that day.
me and my parents. glad i didn't fail their expectations.. eh.. i hope i'm not the only one thinking that. haha
my lovely babes from rv days.. zhiyun, kat and yingyi. so many thanks to them, they came specially to take photo with me *hearts*i wish i can put photos that i took with my jap class babies but i look horrible in all of them. so i chose not to.
by the way, it was a touching affair. i felt, for a moment, tearful when they addressed us as the 'class of 2006'. i think i was emoting because i thought that was really a term to be proud of. i miss the place that i've complained about for half the time i was there. but seriously, i lub you, nus.
and i think i was the only one who showed up with red nails for the ceremony.
listening to: jo sung mo -- mr. flower
while i am youngwhen i heard sm entertainment was going to hold their auditions in kuala lumpur, malaysia... it took me only seconds to decide that i was going.
finally... i could follow my dearie's footstep.. not only just concert tours.. but literally walk the path that he had taken! (for the uninitiated, sm entertainment is behind boa, tvxq, suju and kangta... well.. vanness too, if you insist)
so on friday, me and yuenling embarked on our journey to kl via the express train. what an experience! it was my first time on the train and it was an overnight train.. madness though, they sold tickets at face value. which meant a 30 sing dollars ticket costs 30 ringgit if you buy it in malaysia. i think that's just plain crazy and it doesn't make good sense at all. next time i would take the bus to jb and take the train from there. arghz.
only take the train if you have time to spare. 9 hours, to be exact.we took the economy seats and i swear that the next time i take the night train, i will get the beds no matter how much they cost. our seats were facing the wrong direction so i felt funny the whole time.
we reached the kl station at 7... and after washing up, it was breakfast at macs. and then we realized that road directions are generally unclear in the whole city.
me: where's the monorail
train station staff: (point to somewhere) see? see that building?
me: huh? where??
train station staff: that building that building.
buildings are in thousands when you are in a metropolitian city. we took a few tries to get to that place and on our way are taxi drivers who were so scary that we took quick steps to get away from them. credits to the city govt though, their transport system is generally very efficient with the monorail and lrt.
i generally liked the monorail. but the platform is a tad too big for a small train.we arrived at bukit bintang and it was too early.. either for shopping or for going over to the audition site at regent hotel. so... we went to starbucks!! hahah ever since working at starbucks, i made it a point to try starbucks overseas (minus korea's).. hongkong and KL's so far.
i make better lattes!! haha.. but seriously, i think since latte is just espresso + milk, it will taste good as long as you don't screw the espresso or use expired milk.alright.. so KL is boring. i mean, it's too much like singapore, too much like orchard road. so we just had lunch at planet hollywood and decided to go to.. .
ta-da! where it all began for my dearie.. eh.. not in malaysia though.there were altogether only 150+ people who turned up but i swear they took longer than superband.. 4+ hours altogether. we almost died waiting because we were sooo tired.
i felt more tired than nervous or excited. geez.there was a guy there who was in charge of the waiting people.. oh boy he's cute. he's cute enough to replace some of the people in super juniors. i swear.
audition was quick and i don't know.. fun? because one of the panel... was my type. haha.. he was pretty cute with his glasses and all.. and his comment for me was ...
"your pronounciation is like a korean."
well, that has nothing to do with singing right? anyway screw it, i'm not there to join sm entertainment. haha.. seriously i went there so that i could write about it on my blog. haha.. yes.. true-blue blog-ger!
here's to me and my spontaneous-ity (erm... i don't think there's such a word?)dinner was at a korean restaurant.

good service, good food but not a pretty price. blew 100 ringgits on this meal.
after that we washed up and went back to the train station.. i made a mistake to buy the upper deck of the sleeping cabins. i swore it was better downstairs, bigger windows even.. but never mind, it was all good. i loved the bed!! nice mattress, soft pillow... aaaaah.. i slept so soundly.. all the way from almost 11pm to 6am..
well.. i think there you have it, my weekend escape to kl. it was a crazy experience.. the last-minute getaway.. the budget travelling, the audition... wooo~ i think i need to do such things once in a while to remind myself that i'm a globe-trekker wannabe and a young girl at heart.
my good mood was dampened by the news of dongwan falling off the stage during shinhwa's concert in busan yesterday night. good to know though that he wasn't seriously injured, only a shoulder dislocation. i want him to rest and be sure to be very well before i see him again in thailand..
i can't believe it.. 3 months after the first time in seoul, imma see my dearie in thailand in august then again in september back right here in singapore.
i feel beautiful.
listening to: pussycat dolls -- buttons
how to get me buyingthe way is to use the colour.. orange.
no doubt i started liking orange ever since i liked shinhwa (their official fanclub colour is orange), i'm really digging the colour now. as in.. from the bottom of my heart. so it's no wonder i went nuts over fasio's latest 'orange power' range.
loose powder.. whitening toner and whitening cream. plus samples of them and a free nice little handbag with the purchase. just what i needed.well and to justify my sweep at watsons (thank you mummy *heart*)...
1. it's whitening.. no.. make that
extra whitening, as written on their packaging.
2. it's boa and it's fasio
3. it's packaged in orange.
4. orange juice extract in the products.. it smells great.
5. aptly titled 'orange power'
ooh. i feel beautiful already.
listening to: shinhwa -- paradise
i'd give up forever to touch youcuz i know that you feel me somehow.
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be
and i don't want to go home right now.
all i can taste is this moment.
all i can breathe is your life.
sooner or later it's over.
i just don't want to miss you tonight.
i don't want the world to see me
cuz i don't think that they'd understand
when everything's made to be broken
i just want you to know who i am.
listening to: goo goo dolls -- iris
set my heart ablazeshinhwa... is finally coming back to singapore for their first full-length concert here.
end august.. and if i'm not wrong... they are brought in by samsung.
i will never change my phone out of the samsung range for the rest of my life.
listening to: shin hyesung -- haru ddo haru
indecisive have you ever felt that you were doing something which everybody thinks is stupid and you kinda feel that it may be stupid but you just can't stop yourself from doing it? it would be the most assuring thing if someone would let me know that i'm not the only one facing such a problem here.
what a whirlpool.
applied for a job on tuesday, got the interview call on wednesday, interviewed on thursday, got the job on friday... turned it down on saturday morning.
that sequence is a knock-out. totally.
i'm too full of myself. i always thought i could but when the time comes, it dawns on me that i can't. it's a big blow to my ego but i have no choice but to face it, isn't it?
on a lighter note.. i went for dinner with jc classmates.. wanz, shuz, siva, ben (i still condemn you for the korea soccer remarks), yulun, daoxing and his girlfriend, liping. some of the usual faces were missing~~ but nevertheless it was fun~~ talking about the past.. catching up on each and everyone's present.. while laughing at wan's old jokes... while earning myself a name, '59' with credits to ben and daoxing.
in case you're wondering... '59' is my head's circumference. i'm a lollipop (my graduation gown is size S, my mortar board is XL.)
dinner at kenny rogers. i love it a lot. and don't ask me why my pics are always after-dinner. i just happen to forget to take the food before eating all the time.
taken with wan's phone. arghz. pictures on other's phones always turn out better.after dinner, daoxing and liping left early so the rest of us went to cafe cartel where they have their cakes at half price after 9pm...
another after-eating pic. blueberry and new york cheesecake, chocolate fudge and first time eating a tiramisu. is it a tiramisu standard to taste like coffee? or just this particular one? by the way.. it's so fun to hear yulun attack everything from
superband's J3 (jackAss 3 according to him) to 183 club's mingdao. hahaha.
and i did yoga in the afternoon... complimentary session at true yoga so i dragged yuenling along. another session next saturday~~~
so fun eh.
listening to: utada hikaru -- blue